8:30am Early Worship (Chapel) / 9:00am Contemporary Worship (Fogartie) /11:00am Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)





    1. Yoga Class

    2. Bootcamp

    3. Wednesday Men's Bible Study

    4. Youth Committee

    5. Senior Tile Painting and Pizza Party

    1. JOY Fellowship Spring Luncheon

    2. Tuesday/Thursday Study Group

    3. Neighborhood Meal Ministry

    4. Spartanburg Prime Basketball Practice

    1. Men's Bible Study

    2. Men's Bible Study

    3. Bootcamp

    4. WDS Spring 3's Program

    5. WDS 4's Graduation

    1. Mother's Day

      All Day
    2. Early Worship

    3. Nursery

    4. Contemporary Worship

    5. Sunday School: Children - 3K to 5K

    6. Sunday School: Youth - High School

    7. Sunday School: Youth - Middle School

    8. Sunday School: Adult - Abide

    9. Sunday School: Adult - Bible Alive!

    10. Sunday School: Adult - Emmaus

    11. Sunday School: Adult - Glory Days

    12. Sunday School: Adult - L.I.F.T.

    13. Congregational Meeting

    14. Traditional Worship

    1. Yoga Class

    2. Bootcamp

    3. Women's Circle 11

    4. Women's Circle 3

    5. Local Missions Committee Meeting

    6. Adult E&D Committee Meeting

    7. Children's E&D Committee Meeting

    8. Member Pickup Basketball

    9. Boy Scouts

    10. Recreation Committee Meeting

    1. Tuesday/Thursday Study Group (Zoom)

    2. Pickleball

    3. Spartanburg Prime Basketball Practice

    4. Worship Committee

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