Chrismon Symbolism
Chrismons are ornaments made from Christian symbols (a contraction for “Christ monograms”) that were first used by Frances Spencer and the women of the Ascension Lutheran Church in Danville, VA in 1957. Greek monograms for Christ “Chi-Rho” and other crosses decorated the first Chrismon tree. Over the years other designs and symbols reflecting Jesus’ life, ministry, and teachings were added. Chrismon ornaments are traditionally made in white and gold to symbolize the purity and majesty of the Son of God. Click the button below to learn what each Chrismon means.
We Need Your Help!
Many of our existing Chrismons are deteriorating with age. The Sanctuary Guild requests that families bring in a white and/or gold ornament that represents one of the “Christ monograms" (no more than 5 inches in height and width). We will collect them in big baskets during the first 3 weeks of November. The Guild will decorate the trees the first week of Advent.
Chamber Singers Concert
Sunday, December 3, 2023, 4:00pm // Sanctuary
Our Chamber Singers Choir will be joined by strings and percussion in celebrating the gift of Christmas.
Annual White Gift Service
Wednesday, December 13, 2023, 6:30pm / Sanctuary
-- featuring our Children's Choirs
Bring gifts (wrapped in white) to distribute to children at Thornwell Children's Home, Hope Center for Children, and to recipients of Mobile Meals.
Gift ideas will be posted on the White Gifts Service Page after November 15.
Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 17, 2023
9:00 // Fogartie Hall
11:00 // Sanctuary
This year we will celebrate Lessons and Carols in two worship services. In both services, the congregation will be led by our Music Department in carols of the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Christmas Eve Services
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Morning Worship
11:00 am
On Christmas Eve morning, we will worship together as a church family with one service in the Sanctuary.
Family Service
4:00 pm
Come all you angels, shepherds, and kings, and join us on Christmas Eve for our children's nativity pageant. Any child may come dressed as the part he or she wants to play.
Candlelight Services
6:00 and 10:00 pm
A tradition in our church, these services feature music by The Christmas Eve Choir. A special message will be delivered and the services will conclude with the Sanctuary bathed in candlelight.