Nursery and Sunday School

All of our worship services welcome children of all ages, but we do offer enrichment for our smallest members and visitors in the Clark Building on Sunday mornings.

Nursery (6 Months - 3 Years)
Available 8:15am-12:00noon in Room C105
Our nursery is designed to support families as they grow in their knowledge of God. The nursery is staffed by trained employees of First Pres, as well as member volunteers. All follow our Seven Safety Practices for those working with children and youth.

All children must be at least 6 months old. For all ages, we ask parents to let us know their children's personal needs (e.g., allergies, medications, etc.) so that we can address them. We also ask parents to sign in their children on each occasion when they use the Nursery so that we may contact you if the need arises. In addition, we release the children only to the parent or guardian who signed them in unless we have specific instructions to release them to another adult named by the parent or guardian.

Preschool (3K, 4K and 5K)
Sunday School gathers at 9:45am in Room C110


  • 1st and 2nd Grade: Drop off Room C201, Pick up Room C202
  • 3rd and 4th: Drop off Room C201, Pick up Room C203
  • 5th Grade: Drop off Room C201, Pick up Room C206

Children's Worship

We believe that children learn to worship by regularly attending Worship with their families. While we provide a Nursery during Worship for children ages six months through 3 years, children are welcome to attend services with their families.

Our Contemporary Service at 9:00am each Sunday morning is the choice of many church members. The lively music, casual dress, and informal seating are especially attractive to families with children. The service always includes "The Word for Children," a time when the children are invited to come forward for a special message from one of the pastors.

Our more formal and Traditional Service is held at 11:00am in the church sanctuary. Children, ages 3K through grade 1, begin the service with their families. After "The Word for Children," they are invited to Children's Worship in the educational building. There they learn some basic components of worship like the offering, the Gloria, and the Lord's Prayer. Children's Worship concludes with free play in the Clark Building, where their families can pick them up after the service in room C202.

Questions? Contact Kara Clark, Children's Ministry Director, by clicking the button below.