Being Church
Christians understand the Church to be the body of Christ here on earth. But what exactly does that mean? Join us for this six-week series as we seek to understand better what it means to be church for one another and for the world in which we live through an exploration of the Six Great Ends of the Church.

Surprised by Hope
The Easter story is one of surprise. The women go to the tomb expecting to find one thing, but instead find something very different. The tomb is empty, Christ is risen!
This Easter Season, we invite you to join us as we explore how the resurrection continues to surprise us with God’s hopeful vision for our future and our present.

Why Jesus?
Lent is a time each year for prayer, fasting and self-examination as we follow Jesus towards the cross and empty tomb. But when was the last time we asked ourselves whether or not we truly know just who it is we are following?! Are we actually ready to walk in the footsteps of someone who invites us to find our lives by giving our lives away in service to God and others?
Our Lenten Sermon Series is an invitation to better understand who Jesus is, and in so doing, begin to learn why following him is the only way to discover the true meaning and purpose of our own lives.

Do You Hear What I Hear?
Down through the ages – from the prophets to the gospel writers – people have heard and told the good news of the Messiah’s birth in slightly different ways.
Join us this Advent as we are invited again to listen for where and how God is calling us to tell the story of the incarnation for our world today.

This Is Our Story
First Presbyterian is embarking on a season of storytelling with a church-wide focus this fall that we are calling: “This Is Our Story.” Through worship, study, and mission, we will explore the different ways that our individual and collective stories tell the Story of God’s redemptive love at work all around us. We hope you will join us as together we bear witness to the good news that God’s story is very much still being written.

Heart of the Matter
Rev. Alan F. DyerPaul’s Letter to the Romans provides one of the most concise, clear, and beautiful presentations of Christian doctrine in all the Bible. It is a letter that gets to the “heart of the matter” when it comes to crucial questions about sin, redemption, grace, and the life of faith for believers. This four-week series during the month of August is an invitation for us to know Paul better and to understand how this ancient letter continues to shape our faith in Christ today.

Godspeed: Unearthing Holiness
The word ‘Godspeed’ comes from the old English phrase God Spede – meaning may God flourish you. To live at Godspeed means to be present to where we are, and present to who surrounds us. Our 2023 summer sermon series led us in seeking to “slow down in order to catch up with God.”

Witnesses to the Miracle
Rev. Alan F. DyerDuring the season of Advent we will explore some of the lesser-known characters in the story of Jesus’ birth. From a priest in the temple to shepherds in the field, these witnesses to the miracle have much to teach us about the power and place of the incarnation in our lives today. We hope you will join us as we celebrate Christ’s coming into the world and watch with expectant hope for his coming again.

Encountering Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
Dr. Lewis F. GallowayThrough the stories of Jesus in the Gospels, we come to experience the Risen Lord among us. In listening to the stories of Jesus, we see the pattern of his life in the stories of our lives.

The Fruit of the Spirit
Dr. Lewis F. GallowayIn the Letter to the Galatians, Paul writes that we have been set free by the grace of Christ to live a life of freedom. Paul does not mean that we are free to do anything we want to do for our own selfish purposes. No, we are to live a life of freedom so that we may manifest in our lives the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The sermons this summer will explore what it means to live a life of freedom in the power of the Holy Spirit.