
One of two sacraments in the Presbyterian Church, Baptism is the sign and seal of our welcome into the household of God. We joyfully baptize new believers and the children of our church family, recognizing that God's grace and love always come first, even before we know what that means.

For more information, please contact Shannon Hutcheson.


Your wedding is one of the most special events of your life. First Presbyterian Church rejoices in this service of worship and is eager to make this special time one that will bring wonderful memories to our church members. Your wedding does not have to be elaborate to be meaningful and beautiful. The spirit of love is the true meaning of your wedding day. Being yourself will be enough to make the ceremony as distinctive as you are.

For more information, please contact Monteigne Campbell.


The death of a loved one is a time of great sadness and loss, but it is also a time to draw comfort and hope in the resurrection and eternal life promised to us in Christ. Our pastors and congregation walk alongside those who are grieving, to celebrate the life of the one who had died while proclaiming the resurrection to eternal life.

For more information, please contact Joanie Shackleton.