There are many ways to financially support First Presbyterian Church, Spartanburg: (See Guide to eGiving below)
Online Giving - give, view your pledges and giving history. Consider a recurring gift - fast and easy!
Download the ShelbyNext mobile app - give, pledge, view your pledges and giving history
Scan the QR code to pay using Venmo - or find us on Venmo @FPCSpartanburg
Please give details about your donation in the Venmo app

Text your giving to 864/309-0816
Stock transfer - Gifts of stock are welcome and the process is simple. The stock gift is transferred from your broker to our account at Fidelity (Colonial Trust) using the information below:
- Account Name: First Presbyterian Church
- Account #: 379689335
- DTC #: 226
- Federal Tax ID #: 57-0314439
To ensure your gifts are acknowledged, please notify Lynise Clarke with:
- Your Name
- Stock name and # of shares
- How you would like your gift designated (budget/pledge/other)
Cash or check - You can place check or cash in the offering plate during worship. If contributing cash, please use a pew envelope so we can properly credit your gift. You can also send a check to the church office.
Mail (Designated Bank Bill Pay or Personal Check). We gratefully accept checks, made payable to First Presbyterian Church Spartanburg and mailed to:
First Presbyterian Church
393 East Main St.
Spartanburg, SC 29302-1917
Attention: Lynise Clarke
Automatic Withdrawal (checking/savings account, credit/debit card) - see forms below to have the Financial Office initiate a monthly withdrawal from your account
Gifts of Stock and Cryptocurrency
First Presbyterian Church now accepts your gifts of cryptocurrency and stock via The Giving Block. Click the button below to fill out these online giving forms.

How Much to Give
All gifts, no matter the size, make a difference in your life and the life of First Presbyterian Church. Consider a one-time contribution or a recurring gift (weekly, monthly, or quarterly). Submitting a pledge or setting a goal helps you to be more intentional about your financial priorities.
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Contribution Statements are mailed:
- April
- July
- October
- December
- January (for prior year)
You can also print your statement or view your giving my logging into ShelbyNext, our member portal.
If you need a statement sent to you at any time, please click below and request a Contribution Statement.
Need to set up your ShelbyNext account:
In order to login, you must have a valid email address in our church database.
If have not logged in before, please click below to contact Lynise Clarke and request your Shelby Login Information.
Once you login with that username and password, you are welcome to change your username or password by clicking your name in the upper right corner and selecting the "Account" tab.
To learn more about giving to the First Presbyterian Endowment, please see our Gift of a Lifetime Brochure.