Sunday Mornings
All are welcome each Sunday to worship at First Presbyterian!
Communion is served in worship on the first Sunday of the month.
Early Traditional Worship
8:30 am // Chapel
This conventional service offers music by the Genesis Choir.
This service is held in the Sanctuary on Special Sundays - like Easter and Kirkin' - and during December.
Contemporary Worship
9:00 am // Family Life Center, Fogartie Hall
This is a relaxed, family-friendly service featuring contemporary music and a casual atmosphere.
Traditional Worship
11:00 am // Sanctuary
This conventional service offers music by the Chancel Choir.
Children's Worship
11:00 am // Clark Building Room 202 (Upstairs)
During the 11:00 worship services, children 3 years of age through 1st grade join in the first part of the service and then may go to Children's Worship. This service provides children with the basic components of worship like the offering, the Gloria, and the Lord's Prayer. Children's Worship concludes with free play and parents may pick up after Traditional Worship ends.