Wednesdays at First Schedule



  • Recreation for Children (6:15pm, Gym)
  • Youth Programs (Upstairs in the FLC)
  • Younger Women’s Bible Study (Room F207)
  • Adult Programs (Social Hall)


Join us for Dinner!

Each week, our staff and volunteers work hard to prepare a delicious meal served from 5:00-6:15pm. Reservations are required for dinner and can be made on a weekly, monthly, or seasonal basis.


Click picture to enlarge

Weekly Dinner Reservations

Reservations for the week are due by 4:30pm each Monday.

Monthly Dinner Reservations

Reservations for the month must be submitted by 4:30pm, February 3rd.

We Need Your Help!

We need volunteers to serve in various capacities each Wednesday. There are opportunities to help with registration, kid's table, dessert, food serving, dishwashing, and clean up. Click the button below to sign up!