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First Presbyterian officers serve as elders and deacons, organized into the Session and the Diaconate. The Session governs the local church; the Diaconate cares for the congregation. Officers serve on a three-year rotation, renewable for one term.

The Session (Elders)


Harold Ballenger
Louie Blanton
Patti Foy
John Harrill
Josh Jones
Cesily King
Andy Lancaster
Cathy Martinez
Paul McKee
Brand Stille
Wesley Stoddard
Charlotte Verreault


Vic Bailey, IV
Palmer Ball
Gail Ballard
David Beacham
Kathryn Bridges
Charlie Burns
Randall Chambers
Molly Colbath
Bill Cummings
Lynn Edwards
Debbie Kocisko
Kay Maddox
Stephen Parrott
Mary Lorick Thompson
Elizabeth Young


Billy Bagwell
Bert Barre
Steven Blanton
De Calvert
Wendell Cantrell
Kristin Hamilton
Debbie Keiser
Melissa Morehead
Beth Neidenbach
Bill Oldham
Norman Pulliam, Sr
Juli Robertson
Tommy Stokes

The Diaconate (Board of Deacons)


Cathy Bagwell
Katherine Barre
David Berry
Baker Boles
Jeff Cleland
Holly Hoenig
Will Hoy
Lee Jenkins
Laura Keller
Betty Tate
Josh Thompson
Amy Usry


Aundie Bishop
Harry Burgess
Edd Ervin
Chris Groke
Ryan Langley
Deborah Lemke
Julia Manello
Linda Mullen
Tanner Oldham
Jean Palmer
Steve Parker
Joe Pinilla
Anne Poliakoff
Lee Shirley


Christine Conzett
Susan Gaubert
Garrett Johnson
Matthew Kneisley
Sherron Langley
Scottie Lummus
Mary Mathes
Joe Moore
Alex Powell
Betty Price
Shannon Rogers
Melissa Sullivan
Sally White
Andy Youngblood

2024 Committees of the Session

Senior Pastor // Rev. Alan F. Dyer

Clerk of Session // Martha Bean

Associate Clerk of Session // De Calvert

Treasurer // Wally Barre

Congregational Nominating Committee

Elders: Randall Chambers, Billy Bagwell, Melissa Morehead

Deacons: Betty Tate, Tanner Oldham, Scottie Lummus

Ministry of Administration

Communications: Harold Ballenger

Endowment Advancement Committee: Norman Pulliam, Josh Jones, Louie Blanton, John Harrill

Facilities: Bill Oldham, Harold Ballenger, Charlie Burns, Lynn Edwards (Columbarium), John Harrill, Palmer Ball

Finance: Bert Barre, Bill Cummings, Billy Bagwell, Louie Blanton, Steve Blanton, Bill Oldham, Charlotte Verreault

Officer Placement: Stephen Parrott, Randall Chambers, Billy Bagwell

Personnel: David Beacham, Mary Lorick Thompson, Vic Bailey, Randall Chambers, Norman Pulliam

Stewardship: Josh Jones, Kristin Hamilton, Vic Bailey, Wendell Cantrell, Kay Maddox, Juli Robertson, Brand Stille

Ministry of Worship

Worship Committee: Charlotte Verreault, Beth Neidenbach, Elizabeth Young, Cathy Martinez, Charlie Burns, De Calvert, Cesily King, Wesley Stoddard

Ministry of Music

Music Committee: Cathy Martinez, Debbie Keiser, Debbie Kocisko, Kay Maddox, Mary Lorick Thompson

Ministry of Education & Discipleship

Adult Ministry: Juli Robertson, Gail Ballard, De Calvert, Tommy Stokes

Children's Ministry: Cesily King, Kathryn Bridges

Ministry of Youth

Youth: Andy Lancaster, Emily Neely, Beth Neidenbach

Ministry of Young Adults

Young Adult Committee: Molly Colbath, Melissa Morehead

Ministry of Mission

Local: Debbie Kocisko, Brand Stille, Gail Ballard, Kathryn Bridges, Molly Colbath, Patti Foy, Debbie Keiser

International: Patti Foy, Stephen Parrott

Standing Commissioner to Presbytery

Paul McKee

2024 Committees of the Diaconate

Pastor // Rev. Rachel Klompmaker, Pastor of Congregational Care and Deacons

Chair // David Berry

Vice-Chair // Cathy Bagwell

Secretary // Holly Hoenig

Care Ministry

Scottie Lummus, Chair

Bereavement: Linda Mullen, Roxanne King

Communion to the Farthest Pew: Deborah Lemke, Betty Price

Meal Ministry: Melissa Sullivan, Amy Usry, Katherine Barre, Cathy Bagwell

Life Events: Scottie Lummus, Betty Tate, Harry Burgess, Susan Gaubert

Purnell: Sally White (Thomas McMeekin, Chair)

Stephen Ministry: Harry Burgess (Dana Halliday, Leader)

Engage Ministry

Josh Thompson, Chair

Fellowship/Special Events: Christine Conzett

Health: Chris Groke, Baker Boles, Jeff Cleland

JOY Fellowship (Older Adult): Sherron Langley, Jean Palmer

Recreation: David Berry, Josh Thompson, Tanner Oldham

Wednesdays at First: Will Hoy, Sally White, Ryan Langley, Mary Mathes, Steve Parker, Alex Powell

Connect Ministry

Laura Keller, Chair

Visitor Contact and Welcome: Holly Hoenig, Cathy Bagwell, Aundie Bishop, Julia Manello. Shannon Rogers, Lee Shirley

Greeters: Laura Keller, Anne Poliakoff, Lee Jenkins, Garrett Johnson, Joe Pinilla

Offering: Edd Ervin, Matthew Kneisley, Joe Moore, Andy Youngblood