Solomon and the Temple

Scripture: 1 Kings 5:5; 6:1-38

From 1 Kings 5-6:

So I intend to build a house for the name of the Lord my God, as the Lord said to my father David, “Your son, whom I will set on your throne in your place, shall build the house for my name.”…

Now the word of the Lord came to Solomon, “Concerning this house that you are building, if you will walk in my statutes, obey my ordinances, and keep all my commandments by walking in them, then I will establish my promise with you, which I made to your father David. I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel.”

So Solomon built the house and finished it.

Forty years ago, Whit and I were married in a candle-lit service just before Christmas. My, how time has flown! It seems like yesterday that I was standing with my arm linked in my teary-eyed father’s, ready to walk down the aisle. A quartet of dear friends was singing “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this Place,” and I was overcome with the joy of God’s presence that night. My mother and her church friends, like Solomon, had paid close attention to every detail and had made the church beautiful. The sanctuary was filled with candles, flowers and greenery, along with all the people we loved most in the world.

Whit and I were awed by that beautiful sanctuary on that cold December evening, and we have been awed by many grand cathedrals since then in our travels. We agree the most beautiful ones are always where we feel God’s presence the most.

Solomon fulfilled his task of building God’s temple, and God fulfilled his promise to Solomon. Years later, God fulfilled an even greater promise for all humanity by sending us the best gift at Christmas- Jesus! Through our personal relationship with Jesus, we can surely feel His presence in each and every place we find ourselves. What a gift!


Holy and faithful God,

Thank you for always keeping your promises. During this season of Advent, help us remember to glorify you and feel your presence, both at church and in the world, as we prepare for the celebration of the birth of your precious son, Jesus Christ our Savior, who will dwell in our hearts forever. Amen.

About the Contributor:

Donna Kennedy serves on the Session as chair of Adult Education and Discipleship and as a member of the Young Adult committee. She has been married to Whit for forty years this Christmas, and they have two wonderful sons, two beautiful daughters-in-law, and three adorable grandchildren.