In 2025, First Presbyterian Church of Spartanburg will celebrate 100 years on East Main Street, a remarkable and exciting milestone in the history of our congregation. As we look toward the next century, the church seeks opportunities to better serve the children of the congregation, the Weekday School, and the local community. One way is building a new church playground, located between the Clark Building and Chestnut Street. 

This project includes two primary aspects: replacing the playground equipment and relocating the playground itself to provide a safer, more accessible space for all children.

The current playground location has served the church well for the last several decades. However, relocating the playground will address safety and accessibility concerns as well as allow the church to grow in other areas, such as community outreach and possible expansion of the Columbarium.

With your generosity, this vision can become a reality. Please take time to read the frequently asked questions below and consider a gift to this project. Our children will thank you! 


There are several giving options to show your support for the playground project. 

With a gift of $50, you will receive a giftable card to let your loved ones know you are making a contribution to the FPC Playground in their honor. We also offer personalized pavers in three different sizes that will be a part of the hardscape of the new playground.

All gifts are welcome and will directly help this exciting vision come to life. Your gifts are tax-deductible. You may give online through the form below, or contact Lynise Clarke for other ways to give.