The Wolf and the Lamb

Scripture: Isaiah 11:6-9

This passage is often read during the Advent season because it paints a beautiful portrait of the peace God promises us. The mental picture we have of animals lying together is calming because the words of the prophet are carefully chosen.

The power of these much-loved verses became very real for me and my family when we went on safari in Botswana. From the safety of our open vehicle, we were introduced to the terror of the natural world. The only animals we saw lying down together were a pride of lions, their faces stained with blood from tearing apart their most recent meal. From the lionesses chasing gazelles to the water buffalo, heard but not seen, rushing through water, the lioness guarding her cubs, and the elephants stomping their feet at our intrusion into their world, we were lost in the beauty and terrifying reality of life in the wild. Never had our understanding of the words of Isaiah been so vivid.

Wolf and lamb, leopard and kid, calf and lion, cow, and bear – what in the world is this? These animals go together like water and oil. Predators and prey getting along without a thought of dinner or fear. This promise of peace seems impossibly far away from today, but then, isn’t that the way God reaches us, painting a picture of peace to come in ways that we, who are so involved in our own lives, can understand?


Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us and encouraging us to live in today but to keep the assurance of peace and harmony for the future.

About the Contributors:

Craig and Debbie Kocisko have been active members of First Presbyterian Church since 1991, serving on a variety of committees and as Elders and Deacons.