Overflowing with love, God created the cosmos and blessed humankind by fashioning us in the divine image. We were made to “Glorify God and enjoy [God] forever” and to care for this precious world, but we rebelled against God and this sin resulted in separation from God and death. Yet, God did not abandon us but reached out to us with the only begotten Son that we might have life and have it abundantly.

Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life, sets a pattern for Holy living and leads us to repent and be reconciled to God through his death and resurrection. Despite the complete and perfect sacrifice of Christ, we are not without sin. The actualization of the total healing of all creation is yet to come. At that final time Christ will come again. Knowing that Christ will come again we are free, through faith and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, from self concern.

The Holy Spirit encourages believers to come together to worship. We gather to praise God for all God has done. We also gather so that God may empower us to go out into the world and spread the message of love. The church is not cloistering and protective but bold and outward.

The church does not exist for its own sake but was created to be a vehicle to bring the world into the body of Christ. This is done both because Christ commanded it and because our inner nature compels us to care for one another. By being involved in social justice we follow Christ’s example as seen in His healing ministry.

Our church recognizes two sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper. God is uniquely present to us in these experiences. The Lord's Supper brings us back, through the power of the Spirit to those crucial times of Christ's life. In it, we remember Christ's life, death, and resurrection and through the power of the Spirit we taste our redemption and give thanks. In Baptism, we are cleansed of sin, embraced by Christ, and welcomed into the family of faith, the church.

Scripture is the unique, authoritative, living word of God. Its pages open us up to the presence of God, tell us the history of God’s relationship with the world, and teach us how to live as faithful disciples of Christ.

Joel prophesied that someday the Spirit will be poured out on all flesh and at Pentecost this took place for the disciples. Today, all members of the church have been blessed by the Spirit with gifts for ministry. God charges us all to use these gifts for building the Kingdom of God on earth.