Jesus said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, "It is the Lord," he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. John 21:6-7

It was the evening of the January 2015 Youth Committee meeting. If history repeated itself, it would be just like any other Youth Committee meeting. Jason Moore, our Youth Director, was likely to report on the multitude of Youth happenings and the massive attendance at each event. Hearing his report about the energy of our Youth Ministry always made me exhausted from just listening.

But this meeting was different. There was a mood about Jason, hinging on worry, which I had not sensed before. Instead of updating the committee on events, Jason reported that he was struggling to fill Covenant Family Leaders for the 2015 Confirmation Class. He needed four leaders but only had one. His disappointment showed when he said he had to turn chaperones away for the recent ski trip but was in need of leaders who would walk alongside kids in their Confirmation journey.

What did I do? I put on my clothes and jumped in the water. I did not think. I did not pray. I did not come up with excuses, which I am generally very accomplished at doing. I just said, "Yes." Then, a stranger thing happened. I mentioned the need to my friend Juli Robertson and guess what she did? She put on her clothes and jumped in the water, too! She immediately said, "Yes."

This story is not about how obedient or attuned Juli and I are to God's call. We are sojourners like everyone else. It is about not fearing God's call when the opportunity presents itself. His power and promise trump all fear.

Go ahead; jump in. The water is just fine.

About the Contributor

Donna has two children, Robert and Stephen, and is married to Larry. She joyfully serves with Jason Moore and a cast of faithful others on the Youth Committee.