Gracious God, we come before you today with thanksgiving for Ms B and her ministry with the children of this congregation. We ask that you bless her in her retirement and wherever you lead her next.

Please bless also the work of the committee looking for Ms B’s successor. May they find just the right person to build upon her work here.

Help us all to remember the importance of the children to the life of our congregation and to the maintenance of the faith.

Loving God, our Father, whose son welcomed all the little children (“red and yellow, black & white, all are precious in your sight”), we ask your intercession for   

  • Children who come here for asylum,
  • Children in war-torn areas,
  • Children living in families under stress,
  • Children without families to care for them.

We pray that those who govern and we who are aware of these situations may know and have the strength to do what is right, acting with your compassion, sympathy, and love.

We pray for the ministries to children and youth in the Spartanburg community, many led and supported by members of this congregation.

We ask that you comfort and relieve those in trouble, sorrow, financial hardship, sickness, grief—especially those known to us whom we name before you in silence.

Comfort also the family and friends of the Reverend G. Wayne Cole, our former Associate Pastor for Youth, who died in the faith this week. May his wife Susie and their daughters feel the love of all who knew him, as well as our profound gratitude for his years of ministry to the youth of this church.

Hear our prayers, God of grace. Help us to act in love: exemplifying peace, justice, and mercy in all we do; through Jesus Christ our Lord.