May 2024

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 31, 2024

    Posted May 31, 2024

    FPC is rolling into summer with lots of exciting things happening! Next week is Vacation Bible School with some 160 children registered. Please be in prayer for the kids and the volunteers throughout next week!

    We also have a bunch of book studies beginning next week. There is a great variety of topics and times. Find one that fits your interest and schedule, and sign up for great summer reads with your church family! Several of the studies are even available with a Zoom option if you can’t be there in person. Find out more at fpcspartanburg.org/studies.

    This Sunday we also begin Summer Sunday School. The adults will all be together in Fogartie Hall at 10:00am to begin a month-long study of “The Rise and Fall of the Monarchy” with Lewis Galloway and Craig Foster. Then in July and August, we will explore our unique Presbyterian theological heritage together. Come whenever you are able! Elementary children will once again have Sunday School in the Large Private Dining Room, while Preschool and Youth will meet in their normal spaces.

    Whatever your summer holds, let us help you find ways to deepen your faith and discipleship!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 24, 2024

    Posted May 24, 2024

    We want to wish everyone a safe and fun Memorial Day Weekend. It is hard to believe that we are already nearing the midpoint of the year! As we turn the page into the summer months ahead, I hope you will continue to stay connected to your church family. Opportunities abound for worship, learning, service, and fellowship. Please remember that we will have only one worship service at 11:00am in the Sanctuary and no Sunday school this week.

    Hope to see you Sunday. Invite a friend. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 17, 2024

    Posted May 17, 2024

    This past Sunday the congregation unanimously approved the call of Rev. Rachel N. Klompmaker (KLOMP-mocker) to serve as our next Associate Pastor for Congregational Care. Rachel is coming to us from Second Presbyterian in Indianapolis, Indiana – a former congregation of our very own Lewis Galloway. Rachel will officially begin her ministry with us on Monday, July 15. You can read more about Rachel and watch a video about her from the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) by clicking here. We extend our deep gratitude to the entire APNC for prayerfully and steadfastly leading this search over the past 8+ months – well done!

    Be sure to join us in person or online for worship this Sunday, May 19 as we celebrate Pentecost and recognize our graduating high school seniors. Pentecost is the day on the Christian calendar each year when we recount the story of Acts 2 and celebrate the birth of the church. Remember to wear red, which symbolizes the work of the Holy Spirit.

    It is particularly appropriate this year that we also highlight the accomplishments of our graduating high school seniors on the same day as they prepare to begin a new season in their lives. We are eager to see how the Spirit uses them to share the love of Jesus Christ as they are sent out to places near and far.

    Finally, we will receive new members yet again this Sunday. If you or someone you know is interested in joining the church – or simply learning more about what it means to become a member – please contact our Visitor and New Member Coordinator, Cathy Bagwell ([email protected]). Our congregation has already grown by sixty-nine new members this calendar year alone*, and one of the key reasons for that is the warmth and welcome people feel when they visit FPC. Every time you greet a new face, help someone navigate the hallways, or simply give a friendly “Hello” you are adding to the spirit of Christian hospitality in this place. Thank you!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 10, 2024

    Posted May 10, 2024

    Our congregational retreat in Montreat this past Friday to Sunday was a huge success! Nearly 120 of us gathered for rest, renewal, worship, and a good dose of laughter. Our theme was “At The Well.” Using the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman as our guiding text, we explored where our own wells sometimes run dry and what it looks like to be filled again with God’s living water. What a joy it was to be a part of this fun experience. A big thank you to Craig Foster for spearheading so many details, and to Kara Clark, Matt Kelly, Colleen Darrall, Leslie Lang, Grace deMaine, and the many dedicated volunteers who helped to make this year’s retreat happen – we hope this is the first of many more to come!

    Looking ahead, this Mother’s Day will be a momentous one in the life of First Presbyterian. First and foremost, we will honor and give thanks to God for all those mothers and mother-figures in our lives. I am always mindful that for some this day is one of great celebration and for others it stirs a mix of emotions – sadness at the memory of a loved one no longer living, grief over a relationship that was never fully realized, and on and on. No matter what Mother’s Day does or does not represent for you, I pray that you may feel the love and grace of Jesus Christ surrounding and upholding you.

    The other reason this Sunday is a significant one is because the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee will present a report to the congregation regarding their nominee to serve as our next Associate Pastor for Congregational Care. The APNC is so excited to share with you all about the person they believe God is calling to this important role in the life of our congregation! Please make a special effort to attend this congregational meeting, which will start at the beginning of the 11:00am worship service. If you attend an early service and/or Sunday school, please join us for the meeting and then feel free to slip out afterward.

    Pentecost and Baccalaureate Sunday is also right around the corner on May 19. Details on that and so much more can be found below. Blessings to you all. Hope to see you Sunday. Invite a friend. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 3, 2024

    Posted May 03, 2024

    The much-anticipated Congregational Retreat Weekend is now upon us. About 120 FPCers will soon gather together in beautiful Montreat, NC, for a weekend of study, connection, and fun. Please pray for all those participating and those helping to lead – rain or shine, we know it will be a great time! And if you are in Spartanburg instead of the mountains this weekend, please know that it will be “business as usual” on Sunday. We will have all three regular worship services at the church at 8:30, 9:00, and 11:00am.

    Looking ahead, I hope you will mark your calendars for the Congregational Meeting that will take place at the very beginning of the 11:00am worship service on Sunday, May 12. The purpose of that meeting is to receive a report from our Associate Pastor Nominating Committee regarding their nominee to serve as our next Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and Diaconate. The committee is incredibly excited about the individual they believe God is calling to this role and cannot wait to share their recommendation with all of you. We will start that meeting right at the beginning of the 11:00am service so that those who attend Early or Contemporary Worship and Sunday School may participate. We will begin Traditional Worship after the meeting has adjourned..

    Lastly, I hope you will consider giving the gift of life by donating blood as part of this Sunday’s Blood Drive. The Blood Connection Bus will be parked in front of the Family Life Center throughout the morning. Registration has been slow thus far so we hope you will step up to make this drive a success! You can find more information and register online by clicking here.

    Whether in the mountains or in the Burg, we hope to see you Sunday. Invite a friend. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - April 26, 2024

    Posted Apr 26, 2024

    Dear friends,

    If we live an average lifespan we will see over 27,000 days come and go. Most of them pass by without our taking any special notice, but if we pause and reflect we realize that every moment offers the possibility of the extraordinary.

    The Chamber Singers’ unique upcoming concert seeks to remind us of the potential present in every day. We start at dawn, then head outdoors for some time with nature. There is a chance for a little romance. Sorrow and loss are present, but so is hope. We enjoy a warm summer’s evening before drifting off to sleep. The concert concludes with a setting of the celebrated e. e. cummings poem I thank You God for this most amazing day.

    Please join the Chamber Singers, along with guest soloists and instrumentalists on Thursday, May 2 at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary, and perhaps bring someone you’d enjoy spending a day with.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - April 19, 2024

    Posted Apr 19, 2024

    Pollen aside, Spring is always one of my favorite seasons of the year. The sun is shining, the leaves are coming out, and birdsong is once again filling the air. What a joy! My prayer is that no matter what circumstances each of us are facing – whether good or challenging – these small changes in the world around us might be reminders of the good news that the love and grace of the resurrected Christ spring forth anew each day. Indeed, God can take even the most dormant and bare places and nurture life.

    Looking ahead there is much to celebrate in the life of First Presbyterian. This Sunday, we will rejoice upon the Confirmation of 25 of our ninth graders and 3 baptisms at our 11:00am Sanctuary Service! What an incredible joy it is to receive each of these young people as members of the church. We give thanks to God for each of them and for the families, mentors, and pastors who have helped shepherd them to this point in their faith journeys.

    And then a little later this month, on April 28, we will mark ten years of the C.A.S.T. Ministry here at FPC. Not only will we hear in worship from someone whose life has been impacted by C.A.S.T., but we will also recognize and say thank you to Gloria Close, who is retiring from her leadership of this incredible ministry. Because of Gloria the future of this ministry is bright! Amy Vernon will take over as the director of C.A.S.T. camps and continue to support C.A.S.T. families alongside a remarkable and dedicated team of volunteers.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - April 12, 2024

    Posted Apr 12, 2024

    The Spirit is on the move at First Presbyterian! This weekend twenty-five ninth graders will complete their Confirmation journey with an overnight retreat followed by a meeting with the Session on Sunday morning. We rejoice with these young leaders in our congregation as they make professions of faith in Jesus Christ and are received as full members of the church. We also say thank you to our pastoral team – Revs. John Daniel DeBevoise, Leslie Lang, and Craig Foster – and the adult mentors who have walked alongside them in this process. Please join us for worship on Sunday, April 21 when we will recognize and celebrate all our Confirmands!

    We are also thrilled to welcome nearly a dozen new members this Sunday. Many of you have heard me talk before about what a blessing it is every time we receive new members. Each person God leads into our fellowship brings with them new energy, ideas, questions, and gifts that serve to strengthen the ministry God is calling us to. What a joy and blessing! If you or someone you know is interested in joining this week or down the road, please be sure to reach out to our Visitor and New Member Coordinator, Cathy Bagwell ([email protected]).

    Finally, looking to later this month, we will recognize 10 years of the C.A.S.T. Ministry here at First Presbyterian. C.A.S.T. (Care. Accept. Share. Teach.) came into existence under the vision and leadership of church member Gloria Close, and across that timespan has transformed the lives of numerous children and families in our community. I encourage you to read more about the history and impact of C.A.S.T. in the latest edition of First News. During the 11:00am worship on April 28, we will celebrate this ministry and say thank you to Gloria as she retires from its leadership. Stay tuned for more details as we look forward to what God has in store for the next season of this vital ministry!

    Hope to see you in worship. Invite a friend. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - April 5, 2024

    Posted Apr 05, 2024

    Dear Church Family,

    From Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday and from Good Friday to Easter, we remembered the events of the last week in the life of Jesus. On Easter Sunday we raised the glad shout, “Christ is risen. He is risen indeed.” Now our challenge and our calling is to live an Easter life every day of the year. An Easter life is a resurrected life in which we claim with Paul, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:20)

    Christ is made visible when we care for one another, serve our community, teach our children and youth, share the faith with others, and worship together. A particular calling is to support the effort to raise up strong leaders, educators, and pastors for the church. We are honored to have the Rev. Dr. Victor Aloyo, the President of Columbia Theological Seminary, with us this Sunday to preach at the 9:00am Contemporary Service and the 11:00am Traditional Service. Also, he will lead a Combined Adult Sunday School class at 10:00am in Fogartie Hall about the seminary’s mission to equip a new generation of church leaders. He will challenge us to join as partners in this calling.

    Please see all of the opportunities below to grow in life together as an Easter people.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 29, 2024

    Posted Mar 29, 2024

    Why Jesus? That is the question we have been exploring this Lent. Our answers have been varied and, perhaps at times, surprising. “Why Jesus?” we ask, “Because…

    “Jesus meets us where we are,
    “Jesus shows us true peace,
    “Jesus invites us to the party,
    “Jesus makes room for us at the Table,
    “Jesus rides straight into the messiness of our lives.”

    Today, Good Friday, we mark the fact that Jesus also knows what it means to suffer, to feel pain and anguish, and, yes, even to experience death itself. We call this day good because it is through the events of Jesus’s arrest and execution that we come to know fully a God who does not skirt around the most jagged edges of the human experience. The cross reveals to us the fact that there is no hardship, grief, or hurt we can endure in this life that God does not intimately know. God knows what it is like to sit in darkness so complete that it feels as if the light might never return. But, of course, the story does not end today…

    This Sunday, we will proclaim the most important and consequential answer to that question: Why Jesus? Because Jesus is the Risen Savior. Simply put, Easter is the central event of our faith. Jesus’s rising from the dead reveals a Love so great that nothing – not even death – can separate us from it. The good news of the empty tomb is not just that Jesus is alive but also that God is on the loose, even now, bringing new life to all those places in our lives and in our world today that feel life-less. As the Gospel of John puts it: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not (and does not) overcome it!”

    Hope to see you in worship. Invite a friend. All are welcome!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 22, 2024

    Posted Mar 22, 2024

    This Sunday – Palm Sunday – marks the start of Holy Week. Beginning with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, we will spend the coming days traveling Christ’s path of servanthood through the Lord’s Supper and the suffering of the cross toward the glory of Easter. Each step of that journey underscores the inseparable link between the death and resurrection of Jesus and our lives today. I hope you will join us in worship as we walk down that path together!

    Please also be sure to note the worship opportunities ahead on both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. In lieu of our normal WAF program on Wednesday, we invite you to instead join us for a Maundy Thursday meal and worship around tables. Details about this service can be found below – please be sure to RSVP ahead of time. On Good Friday, we will gather for a Tenebrae Service in the Sanctuary at 7:00pm.

    Blessings to you all. See you Palm Sunday. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 15, 2024

    Posted Mar 15, 2024

    Dear Church family,

    My note today is one of celebration and invitation. First of all, I am very excited and humbled to say that we exceeded our Witness Season goal for the Bethlehem Center, raising over $41,000 for their Outdoor Learning Lab! It is a wonderful example of God’s abundance and how God works through this church to serve others. Thank you to all who contributed!

    Secondly, I am writing to invite you to a couple of different mission and service opportunities coming up soon. Just around the corner on Monday, March 25 is the Cleveland First Grade Literacy Day. This will be a day full of joy and energy, and volunteers are necessary to make it a success! You can click here to sign-up.

    Another opportunity that is just around the corner is our Second Annual Churchwide Day of Service on Saturday, April 13 from 9:00am-1:00pm. This day is open to all ages, and there are places to serve all around Spartanburg. We hope that you and your family will consider joining in the fun! The deadline to register is March 30. Click here to register!

    Finally, please keep Haiti and our mission partners at Haiti Outreach Ministries in your prayers. Their prime minister has resigned, and a state of emergency has been declared due to increasing violence and attacks. Oh Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers for peace and for order in the midst of chaos.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 8, 2024

    Posted Mar 08, 2024

    This Sunday, March 10 is a special one in the life of First Presbyterian. Dr. Will Willimon will be preaching at both worship services as well as teaching combined adult Sunday school at 10:00am in Fogartie Hall. Dr. Willimon is a retired bishop in the United Methodist Church, an accomplished author, and he currently serves as Professor of the Practice of Christian Ministry and Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Duke Divinity School. His book Why Jesus? has been guiding our worship and learning through this Lenten Season. Please remember that we will have only two worship services this Sunday – 9:00am Contemporary and 11:00am Traditional. A full schedule for the morning can be found below.

    We will also be celebrating Girl Scout Sunday this week. Scouting has a rich history at First Presbyterian Church. In fact, the Girl Scout program has been a part of the church since 1936 when Troop 4 was formed under the leadership of Miss Mary Price. In 1937, members our church joined with other churches to organize a Girl Scout Council, and the official charter was granted in February 1938. We look forward to seeing and hearing from our Girl Scouts this Sunday, and as an added bonus, you can pick up some delicious cookies in the Family Life Center lobby at the same time!

    Finally, a big thank you to everyone who has supported Witness Season. Last Sunday, we challenged you to go the extra mile to help us get to our goal of $40,000. As of yesterday, we have almost reached that goal with a total of over $36,000. What an incredible outpouring of love as we seek to support our neighbors in Highland through the good work of The Bethlehem Center. If you would like to learn more and/or help us realize our final goal you can click here.

    Blessings to you all. Hope to see you Sunday. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 1, 2024

    Posted Mar 01, 2024

    A big thank you to everyone who has participated in this year’s Witness Season supporting the construction of an outdoor learning lab at the Bethlehem Center. Patrena Mims, Executive Director of the Bethlehem Center, joined us for worship and Sunday school last week to present about the good work they are doing in the Highland neighborhood of Spartanburg and how this project will support their mission moving forward. You can watch a recording of her informative Sunday school presentation by clicking here. Unfortunately, we are still about $18,000 short of our $40,000 goal. So if you haven’t given yet, or are in a position to give more, would you consider helping to shrink that gap by supporting this wonderful mission partner? See below for more details and for a link to give online.

    Friends, here on the first day of March, I am mindful that the month in front of us is a busy one – after all, Easter Sunday is only thirty days away! Our Lenten journey at First Presbyterian continues to be chock full of opportunities for learning, fellowship, and mission. Information about all the ministries happening now and coming up can be found below. As always, know that each and every opportunity is open to each and every person. This is a wonderful time to bring yourself (and invite a friend) to church as we walk together once more towards the events of Holy Week and the joy of the empty tomb!

    Blessings to you all. Hope to see you Sunday. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - February 23, 2024

    Posted Feb 23, 2024

    This Sunday is Witness Season Sunday. This year’s Witness Season is supporting The Bethlehem Center, which is a hub of positive activity in Spartanburg’s Highland neighborhood. With your support we are helping to fund the construction of an outdoor play space with a natural playground. This effort will help to foster learning and imagination, promote social and emotional growth, and provide creative engagement as well as more accessible green space for our neighbors in Highland.

    A big thank you to everyone who has already made a gift towards this effort. Please know that it is not too late to support Witness Season. You can either make a gift online or put one in the offering plate this Sunday. Our goal is to raise $40,000. I also encourage you to join us for our combined Sunday school class in Fogartie Hall at 10:00am this Sunday where we will hear from Patrena Mims, Executive Director of The Bethlehem Center.

    Finally, we are off and running in the Season of Lent. We are spending these forty days leading up to Holy Week focusing on the question: “Why Jesus?” This series is following a book of the same title written by Rev. Dr. Will Willimon, who taught a packed house at our Wednesday night program earlier this week – click here to watch a recording – and will be back with us preaching and teaching on March 10. The Lenten Season is a wonderful time to bring yourself and invite others to join you at church as we seek to better understand who Jesus is, and in so doing, begin to learn why following him is the only way to discover the true meaning and purpose of our own lives.

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - February 16, 2024

    Posted Feb 16, 2024

    On Wednesday, we began the season of Lent and marked the beginning of the season with the imposition of ashes in the shape of the cross, reminding us of our mortality. And the cross reminds of the resurrection and that whether we live or whether we die, we are marked as God’s beloved children.

    Our church has put together a number of ways to enrich and deepen your faith and discipleship this Lent. First, of course, is worship. We began Lent with the Ash Wednesday Service, and in worship each Sunday during Lent we will look at the person of Jesus through the lens of one of the 12 depictions of Jesus found in Will Willimon’s book Why Jesus?. We will also explore more of those depictions of Jesus through our Wednesdays at First Programs on February 21 & 28 and March 6 & 20. Will Willimon himself will be with us this coming Wednesday to kick off that WAF series. Our study group that is studying the book just had a delightful conversation with Will, and you are in for a treat next Wednesday! Dr. Willimon will also be preaching and teaching a combined Sunday School on March 10. Please note that we will only have two services at 9am and 11am that Sunday.

    If you would like to read the Why Jesus? book during this sermon and WAF series, copies of the book are available at cost near the staff and officer mailboxes.

    Additionally, we have printed copies of the Lenten devotional entitled Local Pilgrims produced by the Presbyterian Outlook. These daily scripture, reflections, and prayer invite us to explore where God may be present and at work in the everyday (and not so everyday) places we find ourselves. This series is also available by daily email. See the information below to sign up.

    Of course, there are many other ways to deepen your faith and discipleship this Lent. For instance, our church library has a wealth of Lenten resources to check out. Simply search for “Lent” in the online catalog. And, in fact, any way that you engage in the life and ministry of the church can help you to deepen your faith and discipleship this Lent. So whether you give something up and/or take something on during Lent, let us walk this journey to the cross with deepening faith and faithfulness this Lenten season.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - February 9, 2024

    Posted Feb 09, 2024

    Happy leap year to all, but especially those who have a February 29 birthday – we’re glad to be able to celebrate you this year. This Sunday, February 11, we celebrate the gifts and talents that God has given the youth in our congregation. Our 6th-12th grade youth will lead us in all of our worship services that morning. We are thankful for Foster Neely (12th grade) and Elise Deberry (11th grade), our preachers for Youth Sunday, as well as all of our liturgists, musicians, ushers, and support crew!

    Some churches don’t have a Youth Sunday. We are incredibly lucky to have a community of young people who are curious and enthusiastic about the church and the faith. It is a gift and privilege that we get to have an entire Sunday morning dedicated to creating intentional space for our youth to take the reins of worship leadership. This isn’t a time where we should focus on the future of the church. Rather, this Sunday is a reminder of the powerful ways God is working in and through our youth – here, today, right this moment.

    Every conversation, every moment in fellowship, and every encounter with our youth opens my eyes to God’s grace and creativity. I mean it when I say that in this call, I minister alongside this crew. They are constantly teaching me what it means to live with gratitude and determination. I hope that this truth shines through to each of you who join us for worship this week!

    On another note, February is Witness Season at FPC. Be on the lookout for plenty of information about the ways God is moving with an ambition for mission in our midst.

    On Wednesday, February 14, we hope you'll join us as we gather for Ash Wednesday – marking the beginning of the Lenten season. I look forward, with anticipation, to witnessing Christ’s reckless love in this world alongside you all.

    Peace be with you,

  • FPC Weekly eNews - February 2, 2024

    Posted Feb 02, 2024

    It was great to see a full Fogartie Hall this past Wednesday for our first ever “Year in Review” presentation. During that hour we celebrated all First Presbyterian Church accomplished over the past year and then looked ahead to where God might be leading us in the coming year. You can find a recording of that presentation by clicking here – be sure also to pick up a copy of the 2023 Annual Report that is available in print around the church or online.

    Looking ahead, Witness Season is just around the corner! As Pastor Leslie mentioned in last week’s eNews, we are partnering this year to support The Bethlehem Center, which is a hub of positive activity in the Highland community. With your support, we will help to fund the construction of an outdoor play space and natural playground at The Bethlehem Center. This project will help to foster learning and imagination, promote social and emotional growth, provide creative engagement, and provide more accessible green space for the Highland community. We hope you will consider joining us in supporting this important effort! More information and ways to give can be found here.

    Lastly, there are many other great things that are right in front of us. This Sunday, we will celebrate Scout Sunday which marks 100 years of BSA Troop 2 here at FPC. We will have Scouts in worship in the morning and a reception will happen in the Social Hall after the 11:00am Traditional Service. We are grateful for the immense blessing that Troop 2 has been and continues to be for our congregation and community!

    Also coming up in February is a production of James Weldon Johnson's God’s Trombones. I am excited to be a part of this project that will be hosted at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church on February 17 at 6:00pm. You can purchase tickets through the church by clicking here.

    Finally, be praying for the Dominican Republic Mission Team, which will head out early tomorrow morning for a week of service with our mission partners in the DR.

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - January 26, 2024

    Posted Jan 26, 2024

    Dear Church Family,

    January and February are very busy times for missions at First Presbyterian Church! First of all, I hope you will join us this Sunday at 10am to hear Pastor Leon from Haiti Outreach Ministries come speak during the Sunday School hour in Fogartie Hall about how God is moving in Haiti. Pastor Leon is a highly engaging speaker who radiates the joy of Christ, so I hope you will come take advantage of this opportunity!

    Our Local Missions Committee is currently meeting with 18 organizations who have applied for grants, and they are carefully discerning how to best utilize the resources that have been entrusted to us to make a great impact in our community.

    Witness Season is also right around the corner, so stay tuned to learn more about how we as a church can support The Bethlehem Center.

    Finally, please be in prayer for our DR Mission Team leaving next Saturday, February 3.

    So many wonderful opportunities to share the love in Christ, locally and across the globe!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - January 19, 2024

    Posted Jan 19, 2024

    Last Sunday, we were delighted to welcome six new members into the life and faith of First Presbyterian. Joining the church does not come with any special benefits or perks – you don’t suddenly get to skip to the front of the serving line on Wednesdays or gain access to special VIP seating on Sunday mornings. It is simply a commitment to saying “Yes” to participate in Christ’s mission through the life of this community of believers. What a rich joy and blessing it is be part of a church that is growing and alive with the Spirit!

    On a related note, we are thrilled to have church member Cathy Bagwell stepping into a newly created Visitor and New Member Coordinator position. In this part-time volunteer role Cathy is serving as a chief welcoming presence and key point of contact for visitors and new members of First Presbyterian Church. Additionally, she is liaising with pastors and staff to help organize and connect visitors and new members into the broader life and faith of the church. Thank you, Cathy!

    Finally, I hope you will mark your calendars and plan to join us on Wednesday, January 31 for a “Year in Review” presentation at WAF. Along with some of our key lay-leadership, I will be leading this state-of-the-union type presentation sharing ministry highlights from 2023, updating the congregation on finances, membership, and spotlighting some of the things we are looking forward to in the year ahead. Even if you are not a frequent Wednesday night attender, I hope you will make an effort to come on January 31.

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - January 12, 2024

    Posted Jan 12, 2024

    We are delighted to officially welcome back Dr. Lewis Galloway this week as our Interim Associate Pastor for Congregational Care! After serving as the Interim Senior Pastor in 2021-22, Lewis has returned to help guide our congregational care ministry while we search for our next installed Associate Pastor for Congregational Care. Lewis will be in Spartanburg Sunday to Thursday most weeks helping to lead in worship, visiting church members, supporting the work of the Diaconate, and officiating funerals as needed.

    On a related note, please be sure to read the update below from our Associate Pastor Nominating Committee. This group is working hard and meeting weekly as they seek to prayerfully discern who God is calling to come serve amongst us. We are grateful for each member of this committee, and I invite you to continue to hold them and their work in prayer!

    There are a lot of good learning, fellowship, mission, and worship opportunities coming up this winter and spring. I especially want to make sure that you have our Congregational Retreat on your calendar for May 3-5 in Montreat, NC. More details will be forthcoming soon, but this is sure to be a fun time – hope you will consider joining us!

    And, speaking of Montreat…twenty-one ninth graders will be starting their Confirmation journey this weekend with their own retreat. Our love and prayers are with these young people and their leaders as they take this important next step in their faith journey.

    Finally, we celebrate and give thanks for the legacy and Christian witness of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this holiday weekend. Whether or not you are able to participate in one of the many wonderful community events marking this occasion (see below), let us all strive to follow his example to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - January 5, 2024

    Posted Jan 05, 2024

    Happy New Year, First Presbyterian! I am excited about so many things planned for the year ahead in our ministry together. Your Officers are preparing to embark on a season of discernment to consider where God might be leading us in the coming years; the search for a new associate pastor is in full swing with the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee meeting weekly; Dr. Lewis Galloway will be rejoining us next week as our Interim Associate Pastor for Congregational Care; and we have just completed one of our most successful stewardship efforts in recent memory with 435 pledges totaling over $2.7 million. And that list only begins to scratch the surface – wow!

    Below you will find details about many other opportunities that are right in front of us. I especially want to draw your attention to an upcoming opportunity to hear and have a conversation with author Jeffrey Blount. I had an opportunity to be a part of a small group of faith/community leaders who met with Jeffrey during an earlier visit he made to Spartanburg last year. He is a brilliant, thoughtful, and compelling person whose work intersects both faith and society. Interestingly, Jeffrey’s brother is Dr. Brian Blount who only recently retired from his role as the President of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA. Be sure to RSVP soon if you would like to join us for this special event after church on Sunday, January 21. Details below.

    Lastly, this Sunday we will ordain and install new Deacons and Elders at the 11:00am Traditional Service. We give thanks to God for these women and men who are saying “yes” to their baptismal calls as they agree to serve as leaders of the ministry happening here at First Presbyterian. Please join me in praying for all the servant leaders – past and present – of our congregation. We are immensely blessed to have so many individuals willing and eager to be the hands and feet of Christ in our midst.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - December 29, 2023

    Posted Dec 29, 2023

    To My FPC Sisters and Brothers:

    Tjank you so much for the incredible reception, kind words, and gifts that you gave me on Sunday December 17. I was overwhelmed by the presence of so many of you, the thoughtful mementos, the beautiful painting, the special resolution, the delicious food, the big hugs and kisses, and the amazing generosity you exhibited in the check I was presented in worship. I know that it represented the multitude of gifts and well wishes for me by you, my family in faith. Eddie and I appreciate it more than you will ever know.

    I will be with you for one more Sunday, December 31 at 11:00am in the Sanctuary and will offer a few thoughts and thanksgiving in a final sermon to end my ministry with you. I hope to see as many of you as are able and to say goodbye with more hugs and I know there will be tears from me. Eddie and I hope that our paths will cross again with you as the years go by. Our departure from you is bittersweet- we are happy for this new phase of life with freedom but sad to say goodbye to you, my friends.

    I want to leave you with some words that have grown to mean a lot to me since I met their author and began corresponding with him after his many appearances at Montreat Youth Conferences back in the 80’s. His music has always spoken to the deep places within me. The poetry of his “Song for You” conveys my feelings in these last days of ministry among you. I hope you find them as meaningful as I do in relationship to all the goodbyes and the leavings we experience in life. With his permission, please consider David’s words as mine, as I take my leave of you...

  • FPC Weekly eNews - December 22, 2023

    Posted Dec 22, 2023

    Merry (almost) Christmas First Presbyterian! What a joy-filled December it has been as we have gathered to eat, pray, laugh, and worship together. And now the joyous day we have been waiting and watching for is nearly here. I hope you will join us this Sunday morning for our final Advent worship at 11:00am and then circle back for one of our three Christmas Eve worship services happening at 4:00pm, 6:00pm, and 10:00pm. All services will be held in the Sanctuary. Details about all this weekend’s opportunities can be found below.

    This past Sunday, we celebrated and gave thanks to God for the faithful ministry of Rev. Joanne Hull. With humor, love, and steadfast dedication, Joanne has touched countless lives and helped to strengthen our bonds as the Body of Christ over these past ten years. Joanne will officially retire from her ministry with us on December 31. Thank you, Joanne!

    Looking ahead, we are now preparing to enter into an interim time as the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee continues our search for the next installed pastor for this role. Earlier this week, the Session unanimously approved Lewis Galloway to serve as our Interim Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and the Diaconate. Lewis, of course, is already known to many of us from his time serving as the Interim Senior Pastor in 2021-22.

    In this new interim role, Lewis will be responsible for leading FPC’s Congregational Care ministry, serving as the primary staff support to the Diaconate, and assisting with officiating funerals. We are thrilled to have Lewis and Bunny returning to Spartanburg! Below you will find a note from Lewis to the congregation. His first day with us will be January 9.

    As we head towards the end of the calendar year, I also want to say thank you once again for continuing to support the ongoing mission and ministries of First Presbyterian. Your generosity is what allows our ministry to happen. Because of your gifts of time, talent, and treasure, our congregation is vibrant, healthy, and brimming with possibility as we head into 2024 – thank you!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - December 15, 2023

    Posted Dec 15, 2023

    This Sunday, December 17 is not to be missed. Whether in-person or online, I hope you will join us as we celebrate the season in song and give thanks to God for the faithful ministry of Rev. Joanne Hull. Please note that there are only two worship services this week – 9:00am Contemporary and 11:00am Traditional – both featuring Lessons & Carols led by our gifted music ministry. The 11:00am service will also include a special recognition of Rev. Joanne Hull who is concluding forty years of ministry with her retirement at the end of this month. Afterwards, we hope you will join Joanne and Eddie at a reception prepared in their honor that will take place in the Social Hall.

    Here in the homestretch to the end of 2023, I want to encourage you to continue to remember the church in your end-of-year giving. It is only by your generosity that the ministry of our congregation is made possible. Feel free to reach out anytime to our Church Financial Officer, Lynise Clarke ([email protected]), if you have any questions about how to give or fulfill your current year pledge. Looking ahead to 2024, the response to this fall’s stewardship campaign has been outstanding. So far, we have received more than 420 pledges totaling over $2.6 million. This total represents a nearly 7% increase over previous year pledging! Please know that it is not too late to add your commitment – click here to make a pledge online.

    Friends, December is a full but joyous month in the life of the church. As you peruse this week’s eNews, please note all the other good ministry opportunities happening in the days and weeks ahead. Bring yourself, invite a friend, and jump in feet first to the good work that God is up to in our midst. Advent blessings!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - December 8, 2023

    Posted Dec 08, 2023

    December is off to a wonderful start at First Presbyterian. Last Sunday afternoon, our Chamber Singers, along with orchestra and soloists, presented J. S. Bach’s masterpiece, Magnificat. It was truly a feast for the ears and wonderful reminder of the blessing that our music ministry is both for our church and community. If you missed it, I encourage you to check out the recording by clicking here. And this past Wednesday evening, the Family Life Center was teeming with energy, laughter, and people as we gathered for WAF and an Advent Workshop. A special thank you to our incredible Children’s Ministry Director, Kara Clark, and the small army of volunteers who helped to organize and lead crafting and preparation for the Advent season.

    As you peruse this week’s eNews, be sure to note the many upcoming opportunities for fellowship, learning, and service. In addition to our annual White Gift worship service happening next Wednesday, December 13, we are also aiming ourselves towards a very special Sunday on December 17. That day will feature both contemporary and traditional Lessons and Carols worship services, happening at 9:00am and 11:00am respectively, as well as a special celebration of the ministry of Rev. Joanne Hull who is retiring at the end of this month. Blessings to you in these Advent days. May God’s peace sustain and uphold you as we journey together once more to Bethlehem.

    O come, o come, Emmanuel…

  • FPC Weekly eNews - December 1, 2023

    Posted Dec 01, 2023

    This Sunday marks the beginning of the Advent. As you will find in this week’s eNews there is a plethora of opportunities to join your church family in worship, service, and fellowship during this season of expectant waiting. I especially want to draw your attention to our Chamber Singers Concert happening this Sunday at 4:00pm in the Sanctuary, featuring J. S. Bach’s Magnificat. And mark your calendars for the Advent Family Workshop and White Gifts Service happening over the next two Wednesdays – Dec. 6 and 13 respectively.

    Our preaching throughout December will include a sermon series we are calling, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” Be sure to pickup either a print or digital copy of our 2023 FPC Advent Devotionals – a big thank you to all those who contributed to this year’s devotional. I pray that these reflections will help each of us to center our hearts and minds as we seek to listen for where and how God is calling us to share the good news of God’s love made incarnate in Jesus Christ.

    And, finally, whether in-person or online, be sure to join us for worship on December 17. That Sunday’s Lessons and Carols worship services will be led by our music ministry, and we will also honor and give thanks for the faithful ministry of Rev. Joanne Hull. We will have a time of thanksgiving and celebration for Joanne during the 11:00am Traditional Service followed by a reception in the Social Hall.

    Advent blessings to you all. See you at church. All are welcome.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - November 22, 2023

    Posted Nov 22, 2023

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the 20th century theologian and Christian martyr, once wrote, “It is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.” I pray that tomorrow and all the days ahead will be rich for each of us. After all, everything we have – our families, our friends, our community, our church – is a pure gift from God. And so, on this day before Thanksgiving, I am giving thanks for you! What a rich blessing it is to be a part of the body of Christ that is First Presbyterian.

    As you peruse this week’s eNews please make special note of the many end-of-year and Advent opportunities that are right in front of us. I also want to encourage you to remember the church in your year-end giving. We are in strong financial shape but are depending on the generosity of our friends and members to help us cross the finish line in December. If you have not given or have not had a chance to fulfill your 2023 pledge, please consider doing so in the coming weeks! Helpful details on giving can be found below.

    On a related note, let me update you quickly on the progress of our 2024 stewardship efforts. To date, we have received 388 pledges totaling $2,488,000, which represents an almost 18% increase over the same point last year. What an incredibly encouraging and hopeful sign! That said, our goal is to reach $2.8 million in total pledging for 2024, so we still have a little way to go. If you have not made a commitment yet and would like to do so, please know that it is not too late. You can return a pledge card to the church office or pledge online anytime. Thank you!

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. All are welcome. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - November 17, 2023

    Posted Nov 17, 2023

    Thanks to the five year efforts of many hearts and hands, the sound of the Aeolian Skinner organ in the Sanctuary has the first major addition in its over 50 year history. A Festival Trumpet was installed by the Schoenstein Company (who also built our wonderful chapel organ) in late September. This Sunday Marcia Andrews will offer a mini-recital at 10:50 AM to dedicate this exciting new voice. The two pieces, Trumpet Minuet by Alfred Hollins and Tuba Tune by Norman Cocker will as their titles imply heavily feature the trumpet.

    We are excited that this unique set of pipes will be contributing to the worship and musical life of FPC for decades to come and grateful to everyone who made it possible.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - November 10, 2023

    Posted Nov 10, 2023

    If I had to choose one of my favorite days each year at First Presbyterian Church, Winter Warmth would definitely be at the top of the list. This ministry began in 1995 with handing out shoes and gently used coats. 28 years later, this ministry is still going strong. We have had requests for over 1,100 coats this year from guidance counselors across Spartanburg County. Tomorrow morning, hundreds of children will come to First Pres, try on brand new winter coats, and go home with one they picked out just for them. It’s a day filled with joy when you see the smiles on their faces!

    This day would not be possible without major support from the members of this church. I want to say a special thanks to our Winter Warmth team this year: Meredith Biber, Kate Moore, Tara Pinilla, and Amy Usry, for making it all come together. And thank you to everyone who has signed up to volunteer their time this weekend for the event! We also welcome financial support, so if you would like to donate $35 for a new winter coat, you can do so here: Select "WINTER WARMTH" to donate.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - November 3, 2023

    Posted Nov 03, 2023

    This Sunday, November 5 marks All Saints’ Day. As part of our morning worship services, we will name and give thanks for the life and faith of those members who have joined the church triumphant over the past year. You are also invited to a special All Saints’ Evensong Service in the Columbarium on Sunday evening at 5:00pm. This intimate service will feature scripture, prayer, meditation, and music accompanied by a string quartet. Together, we will proclaim once more the hope that is at the heart of the Gospel. Namely, that “if we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” (Romans 14:8)

    As always, there is much happening in the life of our church. Winter Warmth is right around the corner – volunteers are still needed! Our JOY Fellowship is planning a fun Friendsgiving on Monday, November 20. Information about all of these opportunities can be found below. And, finally, our stewardship team continues to welcome your pledges of time, talent, and treasure for the coming year of ministry. Thank you to all those who have already made a pledge – if you have not and would like to provide an estimate of giving for 2024, you can do so by dropping off your pledge card or by making a pledge online.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - October 27, 2023

    Posted Oct 27, 2023

    This Sunday, October 29 is Kirkin’ O’ The Tartans. Kirkin’ is an annual celebration of our Scottish roots as Presbyterians. We will be led once again in worship by the sounds of bagpipes and surrounded by tartans representing all the various clans of First Presbyterian Spartanburg. It is always such a special and festive morning in the life of our church – hope you will not only bring yourself and your family but also your neighbors and friends. Please note that there will only be two services happening at 8:30am and 11:00am. Both services will be held in the Sanctuary, with refreshments on the lawn afterwards.

    Stewardship Sunday is also happening this week. You are invited to bring your pledge card with you to church or to submit a pledge anytime online by clicking here. Your generosity of time, talent, and treasure is essential to helping us continue “Living Out God’s Story” in the year to come. Every gift matters as we seek to continue being the hands and feet of Christ for the community and world around us. Thank you!

    Finally, I am excited to share with you that Caroline Goodman will be re-joining the FPC staff on Monday, November 13. Caroline will be stepping into the newly created Director of Communications position where she will have responsibility for overseeing our congregational communications ministry. Caroline previously served as our Assistant to Communications, Missions, and Young Adults. We look forward to welcoming Caroline back next month!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - October 20, 2023

    Posted Oct 20, 2023

    Earlier this week, I had an opportunity to attend a very special celebration at Cleveland Academy of Leadership. Cleveland Academy, located on the Northside, has faced decades of daunting challenges including a high poverty rate and long-held low academic performance. Over the past few years, Cleveland has undergone a remarkable transformation thanks to the dedication and tireless efforts of its students, teachers, staff, parents, and the support of community stakeholders including First Presbyterian. This was on full display as the community and school gathered together on Monday to celebrate Cleveland’s earning the best rating on the state report card in twenty-four years. What an incredible achievement!

    I lift this up because it is yet another example of how our giving of time, talent, and treasure is helping to transform our community through the love of Jesus Christ. Your generosity — combined with the hard work of countless others — is quite literally helping to move the needle at Cleveland and in the lives of neighbors here in Spartanburg and far beyond. And so, as we continue in our Stewardship Season this month, I want to invite each of us to prayerfully consider how we can be a part of “Living Out God’s Story” in the year to come. The response of the congregation to this challenge thus far has been astounding. For example, not only have 100% of our church officers made a financial pledge for 2024 but 62% of those officers have increased their pledge over last year.

    Will you join us in supporting the ministry of First Presbyterian? You can make a pledge online by clicking here or by completing a pledge card and returning it to the church by Stewardship Sunday, October 29. Please note the information below about current year giving and how to access your online giving statement. If you have not yet completed your current-year pledge or would like to give, please consider making a contribution in the next three months. Each and every gift makes a positive difference – thank you!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - October 13, 2023

    Posted Oct 13, 2023

    My thoughts this week have been on the horrific events in Israel. Having traveled there twice in the past decade, I have seen first-hand the beauty of that nation and its people as well as the very real complexities and hardships that both Israelis and Palestinians face. My conclusion after both trips is that virtually nothing about that decades long conflict is as black and white as we are often led to believe — it is only shades of gray.

    That said, we must be clear about the fact that these recent acts of terrorism committed by Hamas are nothing short of pure evil. I cannot imagine the pain and suffering that so many countless people are now living with as a result of these heinous actions. We stand with and pray for our Jewish brothers and sisters not only in Israel but also here in Spartanburg and across the world.

    I had an opportunity to share these sentiments in a conversation with Rabbi Yossi Liebowitz – a friend of First Presbyterian and recently retired rabbi of Temple B'nai Israel here in town – while sitting together at Rotary this past Tuesday. We both lamented the fact that ultimately it is the innocents on all sides of this war who will pay the highest price. I asked Yossi how we can be supportive and three tangible suggestions emerged:

    1. Pray. Pray for Jews and Arabs. Pray for Israelis and Palestinians. Pray for all God’s children regardless of faith or nationality who are grieving and hurting. Pray for the captives to be set free. Pray for an end to such senseless violence. Pray for justice to flow like a mighty river. Pray for peace.

    2. Reach out to Jewish friends and neighbors whether here in Spartanburg or elsewhere. Sadly, the scourge of antisemitism is everywhere. Expressing support and cultivating deeper relationships makes a world of difference: write a note, take a meal, knock on the door to say hello. And while you are at it, remember that our Muslim friends and neighbors need care and outreach at a moment like this one as well.

    3. Consider giving to organizations that are working to cultivate dialogue and demonstrate compassion across ethnic and religious lines in that region. The only pathway to a better future is one where the walls of fear and hatred are dismantled by way of fostering mutual understanding and deeper relationships. Yossi was kind enough to suggest several such organizations that are doing important and faithful work in this space – I have included links to each below.

    Ultimately, I suppose the question I have been wrestling with the most this week is simply, “Why do people hate?” Why are humans so prone to twist scripture, history, etc. to justify prejudice along religious, ethnic, racial, gender, or any other lines? Why do we let fear overshadow our mandate to love? I do not think any of us will ever fully understand the answer to that question on this side of eternity. What I do know though is that the greatest command Jesus gives us is to love God with all our heart, mind, and soul, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. That is North Star that disciples of Jesus Christ are called to follow. And so my prayer is that even in the midst of our hurting world, we will each seek to continue walking in that light and to sharing it freely with others.

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - October 6, 2023

    Posted Oct 06, 2023

    October’s cool morning air, falling leaves, and shortening days stand as a stark reminder that time marches on and, yet, another year will soon draw to a close. Can you believe it? The year thus far has been a remarkable one in the life of First Presbyterian. Our worship attendance and membership continue to grow. The impact of our mission and outreach ministries is transforming the lives of neighbors near and far through the love of Jesus Christ. Opportunities for Christian formation, fellowship, and care abound for people of all ages.

    None of this ministry is possible without your generosity. And so, even as we celebrate and give thanks to God for all these blessings, the changing season also marks an invitation for each of us to consider how we can help continue this ministry in the year to come. Earlier this year, the Session unanimously approved a stewardship goal for 2024 of $3.46 million which represents an almost 10% increase in the church budget over 2023. The majority of this increase is intended to support additional mission and outreach efforts in the year to come.

    Erin and I are increasing our pledge for 2024 in order to help make this expanded vision possible. Last year, the number of members making a financial pledge grew by over 10% from 388 households to 428 households. Imagine what is possible if we can continue that growth in the year to come! If you have never made a pledge before, would you consider doing so this year? Each and every pledge makes a positive difference and enables the church to plan more confidently and responsibly.

    In the coming days, you should receive a letter and pledge card from the Stewardship Committee in the mail. You can submit your estimate of giving by returning the pledge card to the office or making a pledge online by clicking here. When we support the ministry of Christ in this place with gifts of time, talent, and treasure we add our story to the Story unfolding all around us. Thank you for answering that call!

    Last but not least, please be sure to note some of the upcoming opportunities to serve and learn – especially the annual Winter Warmth Coat Drive which needs volunteers and the Faith Initiative To End Child Poverty Summit happening on October 19. Blessings to you all. See you Sunday. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - September 29, 2023

    Posted Sep 29, 2023

    This Sunday we celebrate World Communion, when churches around the world partake in this sacrament all on the same day. As we approach this special Sunday, I think about the times we have broken bread with our brothers and sisters in Cuba, which was usually in the form of beans, rice, and plantain chips (our group couldn’t get enough of those plantain chips!) Or, of when we broke bread together in the Dominican Republic, sometimes over Super Bowl finger foods, other times eating the guest house’s homemade granola or traditional Dominican stew. And then in our own congregation, where I have sat at table with you at a WAF meal or had a conversation while serving at the neighborhood meal ministry. Some of my most powerful experiences of God’s presence happen for me around table fellowship. This Sunday I hope that you’ll bring a loaf of bread to share (which will go to local mission partners), and/or a non-perishable item for Hand in Hand as we reflect on the wideness of God’s love.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - September 22, 2023

    Posted Sep 22, 2023

    The Fall is one of my favorite seasons in the life of the church. Sunday school classes are back in action, Wednesday nights are alive with good food and fellowship, worship is brimming with familiar and new faces alike, and the list goes on.* Indeed, one of the rich blessings of our congregation is the sheer variety of ministry that happens here every single day – there is a place for everyone at First Presbyterian.

    On that note, I especially want to draw your attention to two upcoming happenings. First, as Pastor Leslie wrote about in last week’s eNews, we are excited to have our second annual Day of Service happening on Saturday, October 14. This event is an opportunity for us to not only spend a morning serving, but also learning more about the needs of our neighbors here in Spartanburg. Any and all are welcome to participate, please sign up by next Sunday, October 1.

    Second, there will be an informational gathering on Monday, October 2 at 5:00pm for anyone interested in learning more about a congregational trip to the Holy Land being organized for next Fall. Anyone who has ever traveled to that part of the world knows the lasting impact it can have as the people and places of the Bible are brought to life right in front of you. If you are interested in participating, I hope you will come and learn more.

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - September 15, 2023

    Posted Sep 15, 2023

    The second Saturday in October last year was one that I remember fondly. It was a gorgeous fall day, and I hopped around all over Spartanburg to visit groups of you serving at places like the Habitat ReStore, Spartanburg Soup Kitchen, First Pres Weekday School, Hope Center for Children, TOTAL Ministries, and more. I loved watching as people from all different age groups (some of whom had met for the first time that morning) bonded over pressure washing a house, sorting canned goods, doing park beautification, and cooking food together. It was such a success that we are doing it again!

    Please join us for our Second Annual Churchwide Day of Service on Saturday, October 14th from 8:30am-1:00pm. Opportunities are available for all ages, and childcare will be provided for kids six and under. I encourage you to sign-up early to reserve your spot (and to get a t-shirt!).


  • FPC Weekly eNews - September 8, 2023

    Posted Sep 08, 2023

    This Sunday, September 10 is Rally Day at First Presbyterian. This is the day each year when we officially kickoff all our adult, youth, and children’s discipleship programming (Sunday school, choirs, Fall Bible Studies, Wednesday Night Programming, etc.). We have a full schedule of activities planned for this special day including a fellowship time in the inner courtyard at the start of our Sunday school hour, a commissioning of our teachers/leaders/learners during worship, and a full-blown BBQ following the 11:00am Traditional Worship service. You can find details about all of these opportunities and more below.

    As we launch ourselves into this new season, I also want to share with you a bit about our church-wide theme for the Fall that we are calling, “This Is Our Story.” The Bible tells the story of God's redemptive love being revealed through the lives of ordinary people. Some of these stories are better known than others but all of them have one common theme: God’s faithfulness at work in the everyday stuff of life. It is an old story, yes, but it is our story too. So from now until Advent, we are inviting you to listen once more for our story – both individually and as a congregation – in The Story.

    To that end, when you come to church this Sunday you will find story-telling stations located in the Tower Room and Family Life Center lobby. These stations will stay up throughout the Fall providing a place for all of us to share and read the stories that tell the story of God’s hand at work in and through the ministry of First Presbyterian. I hope you will take a moment (or moments) over the coming days and months to add your stories to the branches that represent the ongoing account of our life together!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - September 1, 2023

    Posted Sep 01, 2023

    Greetings friends!

    It’s hard to believe that we are already in September. I am grateful for the summer. A hiatus from the normal busyness of the school year routine, and yet that season carries its own certainty of “busy”. However, there’s importance in finding the moments to slow down and pause with intentionality.

    This past Sunday we had our Youth group fall kickoff. It was amazing to sit (in the dunk tank) and watch our youth reconnect with one another. Although our kickoff (and rally day to come) is catapulting us into a familiar story (School, work, football, etc.) and things we’ve already seen - the reality is this is a new chapter of the same book. Even in the “normal” we will bear witness to the new ways that God is at work in our lives in beautiful and transformative ways. Together we will continue to write the wonderful story of First Presbyterian Church. I look forward to walking alongside this faithful community in a new and exciting season of Ministry!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - August 25, 2023

    Posted Aug 25, 2023

    The pastoral and program staff have just returned from two days of learning, reflection, and visioning in Montreat, NC. This annual retreat is always a meaningful opportunity for us to briefly unplug from our regular routines and focus on strengthening our relationships as a program staff team. As in past years, this time together was filled with laughter, honest sharing, productive planning, prayer and praise, and much added insight about how we can continue to grow in our individual and collective callings as servant leaders of First Presbyterian. Most importantly though, it was yet another reminder of what a joy it is to be a part of such a faithful, gifted, compassionate, and funny staff. FPC is truly blessed!

    With school back in swing and summer travel slowly winding down, we are now looking ahead to an exciting (and full) Fall around church. As always, you can find details about all the upcoming happenings below. Please make special note that Rally Day is right around the corner on September 10. This is the day when our regular Sunday school offerings – including a new class for parents of youth and college age students – will be relaunching. We will also have a BBQ picnic for all ages in the Family Life Center parking lot after the 11:00am Traditional Service. So if you have been looking to get (re)connected to church, now is a great time!

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - August 18, 2023

    Posted Aug 18, 2023

    Did you know that the First Presbyterian Weekday School provides learning, laughter, and love to nearly one hundred students from across our community each school year? This longstanding ministry of the church is gearing up for another semester beginning this coming Monday. Our teachers, pastors, and staff all gathered in the Chapel earlier this week to pray for the year ahead and to ask God’s blessings upon the students who will fill the classrooms and the teachers who will guide them.

    Those prayers extend too to all the teachers and students who have (or soon will) return to school in these weeks. The psalmist writes, “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8) We give thanks to God for all the ways God’s instruction and counsel are showered upon us through the love and dedication of educators and those who support them.

    Changing gears to a slightly more somber note, I am sad to report that the main campus of the church was broken into in the early morning hours this past Wednesday. The burglar gained entry by breaking through the window of an exterior door near the pastors' offices. No serious property damage inside or outside the church was incurred, however, the individual did force their way into the church financial office and took a small desktop safe containing loose cash awaiting deposit as well as several checks that had already been scanned and deposited.

    We do not believe any other sensitive information – financial or otherwise – was compromised and those with affected checks have already been notified. That said, if you have made a recent financial contribution(s) to the church by check we encourage you to monitor your bank activity for any potential fraudulent activity. The church’s bank, First Horizon, is also closely monitoring our accounts. We are grateful to our church facilities administrator, Lee Raines, as well as to the City of Spartanburg Police Department for responding to and investigating this incident.

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - August 11, 2023

    Posted Aug 11, 2023

    In April, the Rev. Joanne Hull announced her plans to retire from her ministry here at First Presbyterian at the end of this calendar year. Joanne has faithfully and lovingly served as an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA) for over forty years including as our Associate Pastor for Congregational Care and Deacons here at First Presbyterian the past ten years. Thankfully, Joanne’s official last day is still several months away – December 31 – but plans are already in the works for celebrating her years of ministry and offering blessings to her and Eddie as they begin this exciting new season in their lives! Stay tuned for forthcoming details regarding those plans later this fall.

    As Joanne continues to actively serve and lead in her role through the coming months, the Session is simultaneously taking proactive steps to plan for the transition. To that end, the Foothills Presbytery recently approved a request from the Session to form an Associate Pastor Nominating Committee (APNC) prior to Joanne’s official retirement. This step allows us to begin searching for the person God is calling to follow Joanne in this important position for our church. The women and men who the congregation elects to serve on the APNC will be tasked with prayerfully discerning what gifts, characteristics, and skills we are looking for in our next associate pastor and then conducting the search to find that person.

    Below you will find a link to submit nominations of church members who you feel may be well suited and called to serve on this APNC. All nominations will be given full consideration; however, the Congregational Nominating Committee is especially looking for nominees who have past or present experience serving in the areas of congregational care, older adult ministry, or other Diaconate related ministries. Please note that all nominations need to be submitted prior to Sunday, August 20.

    We will continue to share more details in coming weeks and months as we prepare for this transition. In the meantime, we give thanks to God for Joanne and for the good ministry she continues to nurture in our midst. And speaking of good ministry… as you will see below, lots of things happening and coming up in the life of the church. Be sure to make special note of the Blessing of the Backpacks and Book Swap happening this Sunday, August 13. Hope to see you there!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - August 4, 2023

    Posted Aug 04, 2023

    After a delightful month of worshipping together in a single service each week, we return this Sunday to our “normal” – albeit slightly amended – worship schedule. Please make special note that beginning this Sunday, August 6 early worship will be at 8:30am in the Chapel, contemporary worship at 9:00am in Fogartie Hall, and traditional worship at 11:00am in the Sanctuary.

    We also will begin a new sermon series on the Book of Romans that we are calling “Heart of the Matter”. Together, in both worship and the joint Sunday school class, we will spend the next four weeks seeking to know the Apostle Paul better and to understand how his ancient letter to the church in Rome continues to shape our faith in Christ today.

    As always, you will find listed below there is much happening in the life and faith of First Presbyterian. If you have been feeling a bit dis-connected in all of the travel and lack of routine that summer sometimes brings, I hope that August might be a month for re-connecting with God and with your church family.

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - July 28, 2023

    Posted Jul 28, 2023

    This past week I have worshipped, hiked, broke bread, and contemplated God’s grace at the Montreat Youth Conference, alongside 30 high schoolers from FPC. I know many of you have attended this conference as youth, faithfully chaperoned, and served as small group leaders. Our time spent together over 7 days in intentional community is transformative. No doubt there are highs and lows each day. There are certainly times of tension that arise out of lack of sleep or simply being around each other “too much.” But there are also times where we burst in laughter together at the dinner table or are left in awe of a shared experience on the mountaintop. In it all, the Holy Spirit is undeniably present.

    The theme for this year’s conference is “In Joy”. Our keynoter noted the opposite of Joy is hopelessness. As we sat in back home group on Tuesday night, a time where we reflect on the day’s theme, I was asked by a youth what anchors my Joy. I sat for a second and kept thinking about the people in my life: my wife, Eliza, my family and my friends. And in that moment, as the youth stared at me, I realized how impactful each of them were in my life. This community of young people are anchors of my Joy. What a blessing to be called to minister to and with the youth of FPC Spartanburg. I am grateful for God’s timing and joy.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - July 21, 2023

    Posted Jul 21, 2023

    For those of you who didn’t already know this about me, one of my favorite parts of being a pastor is having the opportunity to serve Holy Communion. I grew up Catholic for the first eighteen years of my life where I was taught that the table was only open to practicing Catholics, so I was particularly drawn to the beauty of Presbyterian theology that believes in an open table. On Maundy Thursday this year, we served Communion to our friends at the Neighborhood Meal Ministry. It was so well received that many asked if we could offer this sacrament more often, so now we are going to celebrate it every quarter. This past Thursday, Alan and I served communion again to our neighbors there, and I was struck once more by just how powerful this meal can be. At the Lord’s Table, we truly see a glimpse of the Kingdom of Heaven, where all that divides us here on earth (age, race, socioeconomic status, etc.) fades away, and every single person hears the same reassurance: “Christ died for you.” What a beautiful reminder of exactly what the Church is called to do-- to Glorify God and share Christ together through word and deed.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - July 14, 2023

    Posted Jul 14, 2023

    As we near the midway point in the month of July, I want to share with you upcoming improvements to our Sunday morning worship schedule. Throughout the winter and spring a Task Force of the Session set out to visit peer congregations in Atlanta, Charlotte, and Columbia to see how they organize their Sunday morning worship services with a special focus on their contemporary worship offerings. The primary goal was to identify areas to further strengthen our MorningSong service and better coordinate it with FPC’s other worship offerings.

    From that work have come several key recommendations involving the leadership, planning, and branding for our contemporary worship service. You can read a summary of the Task Force’s report by clicking here. The most visible difference though involves our church-wide Sunday morning schedule. Specifically, beginning Sunday, August 6, we will shift to a slightly modified worship schedule:

    • Early Worship in Chapel @ 8:30am
    • Contemporary Worship in Fogartie Hall @ 9:00am
    • Sunday School @ 10:00am (Gathering Time at 9:45am)
    • Traditional Worship in Sanctuary @ 11:00am

    A key benefit of this schedule change is that it will allow us, on most Sundays, to have one preacher preach in-person across all three services resulting in a consistent message and more cohesive worship experience for the entire congregation. I am excited about these upcoming changes and grateful for the work of the Task Force in carefully studying and developing their recommendations.

    Friends, there is so much happening in the life and ministry of First Presbyterian. Our July worship services are off to a spectacular start with wonderful music and an exciting buzz in the air each Sunday as we gather for one service together. As always, I encourage you to check out all the opportunities for mission, faith formation, and fellowship that are happening in our midst. Know that every opportunity is open to every person!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - July 7, 2023

    Posted Jul 07, 2023

    Summer always seems to send and pull all of us in so many different directions. Between holidays, vacation, house guests, camps, mission trips, and work, it is sometimes easy to lose track of which way is up. If this is how you are feeling during these hot July days, might I make a suggestion? Come to church. Let the worship, prayer, and Christian fellowship happening here be and/or become a grounding place for you – a calm in the midst of the chaos, a center in the midst of all life’s push and pull.

    To that end, we continue our summer series focusing on Godspeed this Sunday. I hope you will join us for our joint Sunday school class at 10:00am in Fogartie Hall followed by one worship at 11:00am in the Sanctuary. Our worship this week will also be featuring jazz music by John Moody and friends – not to be missed! You can find a list below of the other musical genres that will help lead us in worship in coming weeks, along with details on the many other opportunities happening for fellowship, study, and mission happening here at FPC.

    Blessings to you all. See you at church. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - June 30, 2023

    Posted Jun 30, 2023

    When it comes to church polity and governance, a close mentor and friend in ministry of mine is always fond of saying, “No lone rangers allowed.” Indeed, Presbyterians have always placed a high priority on empowering groups over individuals when it comes to decision making. This aspect of our theological makeup tends to make us the butt of many jokes – e.g., How many Presbyterians does it take to change a light bulb?* – but it also highlights why we pour so much energy into discerning and calling church officers.

    This annual process is now getting underway with the leadership of our Congregational Nominating Committee (CNC). The CNC’s task is to prayerfully consider the names of women and men who God may be calling to serve as Deacons and Elders of First Presbyterian. To do that work well, however, we need the input and wisdom of the congregation. You can find more detailed information about each of these roles and nominate an individual(s) by clicking here. The CNC will include all submitted names in their discernment process as they go about selecting the final slate of nominees who will be presented for congregational approval in September.

    As we move into July, please remember that throughout this month there is only one worship service at 11:00am each Sunday of this month. We will still gather for Sunday School at 10:00am in Fogartie Hall, except for this Sunday, July 2. See below for more details on Worship in July, as well as information about the special music that will be featured each week.

    Happy July 4th to you all (albeit a little early)! See you Sunday. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - June 23, 2023

    Posted Jun 23, 2023

    Last week, the Dyer Family ventured down to the South Carolina coast, enjoying a few days of vacation at Edisto Beach. We had heard that as far as beach towns go, Edisto was about as quiet and low key as they come (“Edislowww,” as one person put it) – and boy did it live up to its reputation! It was a perfect week of beach, ping pong, porch sitting, and exploring God’s beautiful creation.

    As it happens, it was also a beautiful opportunity to lean a little further into our summer theme here at First Presbyterian of going Godspeed. Namely, finding moments – whether on vacation, at work, or at home – where we might slow down and be more fully present to who and whose we are. We are off to a great start exploring this theme in our summer Sunday school series happening in Fogartie Hall each week at 10am. Hope you will join us! You can also sign up by clicking here to receive a weekly email with a recap and self-study resources after each lesson.

    Looking ahead to July we are going to go one step further in the “practice what you preach” department by moving to a single service at 11A each Sunday. Throughout that month we will continue to have Sunday school each week (except for July 2) in Fogartie Hall followed by a single worship service that will include a special musical focus. You can find more details on our July worship plans below.

    Blessings to you all in these summer days. I pray that each of you are finding opportunities big and small to share the gift of Godspeed with yourselves and with others. Please remember that this Sunday morning is our summer Blood Drive as well as our second Summer Sizzle – Undies and Sundaes* – in the Social Hall after our 11:00am Worship Service. Hope to see you there. Invite a friend!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - June 16, 2023

    Posted Jun 16, 2023

    Happy Father’s Day to the fathers and father figures out there! I hope that you all get to celebrate, and let us all hold in our love and prayers those for whom Father’s Day is difficult or painful.

    This Sunday we continue with Week 3 of our Godspell Sunday School and sermon series, this time exploring the theme of “presence” and we will ponder together the difference between having a place to live and choosing to truly live in that place. Even if you have not participated in previous sessions, join us this Sunday at 10am in Fogartie Hall as we continue to explore how to intentionally move at God’s speed in our life and relationships. If you haven’t watched it yet (regardless of whether you are joining in the study and sermon series), the 36-minute film at www.livegodspeed.org is well worth your time. And if you want more content related to Godspeed, be sure to sign up by clicking here.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - June 9, 2023

    Posted Jun 09, 2023

    It has been a wonderful week of Vacation Bible School here at FPC. From Monday to Thursday our campus was teeming with laughter, play, dance, and learning as nearly 150 children gather under the theme of “Hero Hotline.” In my experience, VBS is always one of the most fun weeks each year in the life of the church and this year was certainly no exception! A very special thank you to all the volunteers and staff who worked so hard to plan and lead this year’s VBS – well done!

    Looking ahead, our worship and Sunday school throughout June and July is focusing on what it means to slow down and go Godspeed. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, this series is inspired and guided by a video that I came across several years ago put together by an American pastor who was serving a small Church of Scotland parish in Methlick, Scotland. You can watch that video by clicking here. In the weeks ahead we will dig deeper to explore how the pace at which we live informs how and where we see God at work in our church, community, and lives.

    Finally, please remember that our Sunday schedule has not changed during the month of June. Chapel and MorningSong worship happen at 8:45am, joint Sunday school at 10am in Fogartie Hall, and Sanctuary worship at 11am.

    Blessings to you all. See you Sunday. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - June 2, 2023

    Posted Jun 02, 2023

    This week’s eNews is chock full of new opportunities for the summer! Whether you are looking for study, fellowship, or adventure, there is something for everyone. There are summer studies during Sunday School and during the week – morning and evening. There are excursions to be out in nature by foot, bike, zipline, and boat. There are opportunities to give of yourself and serve. So join us each Sunday morning for “Godspeed,” join us each Thursday to walk and to bike, join us throughout the week to explore faith with your church family, and join in the special events to explore the beauty and fun of God’s creation. Try something new with FPC this summer!

    Please note that our Sunday schedule will not change during the month of June. So please come at the times you have been coming during the school year: 8:45, 10:00, and 11:00.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 26, 2023

    Posted May 26, 2023

    This week marks the end of the school year in the Dyer House which can only mean one thing: summer is here! For many of us the next few months will be full of activity, travel, pool time, hot temperatures, and (hopefully) a little rest. Amid all of that though, I hope that you will continue to find ways to connect with your church family by joining us for any of the myriad ministry opportunities that are on the horizon here at FPC.

    I am especially excited for our upcoming Godspeed series that will be happening in June and July. Our worship and Sunday school during those months will focus on striving to understand better what it means to slow down and go Godspeed. This series is inspired and guided by a video that I came across several years ago put together by an American pastor who was serving a small Church of Scotland parish in Methlick, Scotland. We will watch this video during our first joint Sunday school class on June 4, but you are welcome to take a sneak peek by clicking here.

    Also, don’t forget that this Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. In addition to marking the birth of the church as told in the Book of Acts, we will also recognize a very special servant leader in our congregation as part of our worship. For several decades now, Winnie Walsh has faithfully served as the official historian and archivist of First Presbyterian. As she now steps back from that role we will take an opportunity to say thank you to her for her years of dedicated and immensely effective service.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 19, 2023

    Posted May 19, 2023

    This weekend is yet another exciting Sunday in the life of our church and community. At our 11 o'clock service we will be recognizing our High School seniors, celebrating their accomplishments and blessing their journeys into the next chapter of life. I hope that you will join us this Baccalaureate Sunday and reflect on that time in your own life. The days, months, and possibly years after finishing high school are often a sacred, liminal space. There's so much potential and excitement, but those feelings are regularly accompanied by anxiety and uncertainty. Even as our seniors prepare to take this next step in their lives, we, as the church are called to remain true to the vows taken at baptism. We must continue to nurture their faith, be a supportive community of love, and most importantly PRAY, PRAY, PRAY for this wonderful group of young people. Join us this Sunday for worship and then commune on the Church lawn after the 11 o'clock service for a reception for our high school seniors. See you there!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 12, 2023

    Posted May 12, 2023

    This Sunday, May 14 is Mother’s Day. For some this is a day of great celebration. For others it is one of mixed emotions and even sadness. There is a Presbyterian pastor named Rev. Marci Glass who wrote a prayer for Mother’s Day several years ago that has stuck with me. The prayer is based in part on her own experience of being adopted as a child as well as an adult who later placed her own child for adoption. As we give thanks for all the mothers and mother figures in our lives this weekend, I commend the words of her prayer to you.

    Also, do not forget that Pentecost Sunday is only two weeks away on May 28. But before we get there we will first honor our high-school and college graduates on Baccalaureate Sunday happening May 21. Our love and prayers are with all the remarkable young people of our church who will mark this important milestone and prepare to start the next season of their lives!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - May 5, 2023

    Posted May 05, 2023

    What a special Homecoming Celebration it was this past Sunday. It was so very special to be able to hear from and visit with three of our past senior pastors as well as enjoy rich fellowship (and great food) around tables afterwards. I want to say a BIG thank you to the committee and volunteers who poured so many hours into planning all the details for that event. This was truly a team effort and they made it look easy! If you were not able to be here on Sunday – or you just want to go back and see things again – you can find video recordings of worship and the panel discussion by clicking here.

    Looking ahead to this weekend, we are so excited to welcome Dan Forrest to FPC. As you will read below, Dan is an internationally known composer who will be spending time with our choir today and tomorrow as well as being with us in worship and for a joint Sunday school class on Sunday. The real capstone of the weekend, however, will be a gala concert happening in the Sanctuary this Sunday at 3:00pm featuring his work Requiem for the Living. I hope you will join Dan and our music ministry for some, part, or all of this weekend!

    Finally, we are excited to welcome Rev. Buz Wilcoxon as our preacher at the MorningSong and Sanctuary services this Sunday. Buz serves as the Dean of Spiritual Life at Presbyterian College, which is, of course, an institution already known and loved by many of us but also one that our congregation has shared meaningful ties with past and present. In addition to preaching, Buz will share with us about some new opportunities for congregations to partner with the students and ministry happening on their campus.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - April 28, 2023

    Posted Apr 28, 2023

    Are you ready? This weekend is our Homecoming Celebration here at First Presbyterian. The theme for the weekend is “Rejoicing In Our Story” – together, we will celebrate the past, give thanks for the present, and look forward with expectant hope to the future. We are so excited to welcome back three of our former senior pastors to be with us in sharing fellowship and stories of God’s faithfulness across the years.

    Below you will find a schedule of all the activities happening this Sunday, April 30. Please know that everything will happen rain or shine! The outstanding leaders on the Homecoming Committee have already made contingency plans in the event we need to move our luncheon following worship indoors. You can find details below including where to drop-off side dishes or desserts. Please also note that we have made the decision to move the Sunday School Pastor Panel happening at 9:45am to the Sanctuary in order to accommodate the anticipated large turnout. Sunday School will be followed by a single worship service starting at 11am in the Sanctuary.

    Again, please be sure to see below for all of the details of this special Sunday in the life of our church. This would be an excellent Sunday to wear a nametag to church – I know our former pastors and guests would appreciate it! As you read this weeks eNews be sure to also note the many other upcoming opportunities for fellowship and learning. Lots happening here at FPC. Blessings to you all and see you soon.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - April 21, 2023

    Posted Apr 21, 2023

    This Sunday, as a church family, we will welcome 28 confirmands into membership in the Church of Jesus Christ. That wasn’t a typo, you read that right – TWENTY-EIGHT! This year’s confirmation class of 9th graders, representing 4 schools, journeyed through the process of questions and reflections of faith. Some have been associated with this church their whole lives and others only recently. No matter when their lives and the life of First Presbyterian became intertwined, God has been present through it all. We give glory to our Creator God for each of these resilient and imaginative youth.

    Our model for confirmation changed some this year, going back to a structure that has been utilized before in this church. Instead of covenant family groups, each confirmand was tasked with personally asking an individual in the church to serve as their mentor. The mentors are, like the confirmands, comprised of folks who present a wide spectrum of time associated with First Presbyterian Church Spartanburg. What the mentors each had in common is a desire to walk alongside a confirmand in their faith journey, guiding and nurturing them at each step, and they shared a love for Jesus Christ and his Church. I love this model for our confirmands because it speaks to the broader ministry to youth in our church. As much as our youth need dedicated pastors and youth leaders, the best thing we have to offer them is the entire community. As the Church, we are individually and collectively called to build up and instill the truth of God’s love in our young people. I believe that this church has done and continues to do an excellent job at this work. All our youth want is to be seen and to belong. That’s what the church is for, right?

    Confirmation Sunday is also a perfect reminder of the truth that our youth are more than “the future of the church.” Twenty-eight 9th graders take their vows of membership this weekend. These vows and our collective welcoming of this group reassure them and remind us that while our youth represent a hopeful future, they are, at the same time, pivotal to the church today. Again, I say glory to God for this! I pray that we will welcome and celebrate these new members as they wholeheartedly deserve. And more so, may we remember the vows we take at their baptisms – “to promise to guide and nurture by word and deed, with love and prayer. And to encourage them to know and follow Christ and to be faithful members of His Church.” We hope to see you at 11am in the sanctuary. Please keep each of our confirmands, their families, and their mentors in your hearts and prayers.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - April 14, 2023

    Posted Apr 14, 2023

    What a beautiful Holy Week and Easter we enjoyed at First Presbyterian last week. We not only had overflowing worship services on Sunday, but more importantly everywhere I turned throughout Holy Week I found a community full of people seeking to love and serve others in the name of Jesus Christ. What a beautiful thing to see the church truly being church – thank you. And a big thank you also to our dedicated pastoral and staff team who work tirelessly behind the scenes to help equip all of us for ministry. From planning worship to cooking meals to sending out communications to rehearsing musicians to caring for our children to maintaining our beautiful campus, these women and men are instrumental in making all our ministry possible – thank you!

    Second, as we now enter the Easter season, there is much good ministry that is still ahead. First and foremost, our Homecoming Celebration is right around the corner. On Sunday, April 30, we will worship together as a church family at 11:00am with three of our prior senior pastors: Dr. Todd B. Jones, Dr. David A. Renwick, and Dr. Thomas E. Evans. You can find a schedule of events for that day below along with information about how you can help with the congregational “Lunch on the Lawn” that will happen afterwards. Be sure to also keep your eyes peeled on our social media over the next three weeks for some fun special memories being shared by Todd, David, and Tom!

    You will also see that we are nearing the end of our Great Presbyterian Picture Push. We have had a fantastic response to this effort to refresh our online member directory with updated photos and information. Please know that it is not too late for you to participate – you can still have your photo taken this Wednesday evening at church or upload online by clicking here. Finally, mark your calendars for Confirmation Sunday happening next Sunday, April 23 when our 9th graders will reaffirm the vows taken at Baptism and will be confirmed for full participation in the mission and governance of the church.

    Christ is Risen. Thanks be to God. See you Sunday.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - April 6, 2023

    Posted Apr 06, 2023

    Easter is nearly here.

    But before we arrive at the empty tomb there are still several stops on our Holy Week journey yet to make. Tonight, we will gather for a Maundy Thursday meal and worship around our tables in Fogartie Hall. And then, tomorrow – Good Friday – there will be two opportunities for worship and prayer centered around the story of Jesus’s arrest, trial, and crucifixion. You can find details about each of these opportunities below.

    And then… Easter! What a great joy it will be to gather in worship and fellowship to celebrate our risen Lord! Once again, we will have four services on Easter morning: Sunrise in the Columbarium, MorningSong in Fogartie Hall, and both traditional services in the Sanctuary at 8:45 and 11AM. There will also be opportunities for gathering at 10AM with Hot Cross Buns and the Flowering Cross on the front lawn. In the event of inclement weather, the Sunrise service and Fellowship will move indoors to the Chapel and Social Hall respectively.

    Blessings to you all as we near the end of our Lenten journey. Let us not forget the ultimate witness that all of the events of Holy Week mark – namely that God is with us. Even at a final meal, even in the pain of betrayal, even while suffering on the cross, and, yes, even to the grave – God is with us.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 31, 2023

    Posted Mar 31, 2023

    Friends, once again our hearts are left shattered in the face of senseless violence. As I am sure you are aware, earlier this week an armed intruder killed three young students and three faculty at the Covenant School, which is housed within Covenant Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Our souls ache as we grieve for the innocent children and families and community impacted by this evil act. We can scant imagine the depth of pain and suffering all those affected must be experiencing at this moment.

    As news of this horrific event broke on Monday I happened to be at my desk working on crafting liturgy for our Good Friday Tenebrae service happening next Friday, April 7. The service of Tenebrae, meaning "darkness" or "shadows," has been practiced by the church since medieval times. The order of worship traces each step of the passion story from Jesus’s arrest to his death upon the cross. After each reading, we will extinguish a candle on the communion table until the only candle left lit is the Christ candle.

    However, following the second to last reading, which tells of Jesus’s final words before dying, the Christ candle itself will be removed from the Sanctuary leaving us in near total darkness. I don’t know about you, but that is where I felt like I was sitting yet again on Monday afternoon. Where is the light? Where is hope? Where is Christ? Those are questions that lack easy answers when faced again and again with the raw cruelty of our broken and hurting world.

    But what the cross of Good Friday reveals to us all is that God does not shy away from our places of suffering but rather meets us in it. It makes me think about how our service will end next week. Prior to departing the darkened sanctuary in silence, the solitary Christ candle will be returned to its spot upon the Table. “Through the return of the small but persistent flame of the Christ candle at the conclusion of the service,” the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship says, “we anticipate the joy of ultimate victory.”

    That is the truth we are called to hold onto in times such as these: that God and God alone is capable of working light from darkness, hope from despair, love from hate. May we each seek in our own ways to be bearers of that light and of that truth. And may we continue to hold all of those affected by these terrible events in our prayers. Below you will find a prayer written by my friend Rev. Dr. Ben Kane, who formerly lived and served a church in Nashville, that I have been praying this week and hope may be helpful to you as well.

    Blessings to you all. Hope to see you this Holy Week. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 24, 2023

    Posted Mar 24, 2023

    This Sunday we will have a baptism and we will commission three new Stephen ministers in our 11:00am Sanctuary service. What great symbolism there is in that confluence of events! In baptism we are claimed by God as part of the family of faith, and we are called to live lives of faithful discipleship to God and neighbor, which is precisely what we are commissioning those Stephen Ministers to do! This week’s eNews is full of other opportunities to serve, engage, and grow as disciples. I know it’s long, but keep scrolling, and find at least one new place you can grow as a disciple.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 17, 2023

    Posted Mar 17, 2023

    Well, it is hard to believe but this coming Wednesday – March 22 – will mark one full year since I began my call as senior pastor here at First Presbyterian. All I can say is that time flies when you are having fun! Truly, what a joy these past twelve months have been. You all have welcomed me and the entire Dyer Family with such love and graciousness – thank you.

    One thing I came to understand first-hand early on is that First Presbyterian is a body of believers made up of a lot of faces and names. We are a big church. It will come as no surprise then to learn that the most practical tool for me throughout this first year has been our online Shelby directory. The Shelby directory is FPC’s protected digital database of photos, names, and basic contact information that is available to all members of the church.

    So why am I sharing this tidbit with you? Two reasons. First, we want to make sure as many members as possible know about Shelby and how to access it. Not only is does it serve as a helpful online pictorial directory for all of us (not just pastors and staff), but it is also a one-stop-shop for updating your personal information, to make electronic contributions, access past giving statements, etc. Shelby is an easy way to stay in touch with the church and help the church stay in touch with you.

    The second reason is because this Sunday we are launching what we have dubbed the Great Presbyterian Picture Push, which is your chance to help make sure that we have the most up-to-date photo and information for you and/or your family on Shelby. Beginning this weekend and continuing for the next few weeks, you will have an opportunity to have your photo taken and automatically uploaded to Shelby while at church. Our hope is that by providing an easy way to update and expand this valuable online resource we will be able to further strengthen our connections to one another – see below for all the details!

    Continued Lenten blessings to you all. See you at church. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 10, 2023

    Posted Mar 13, 2023

    We often think about the liturgical season of Lent as being a time for “giving something up” – i.e., shedding some of those unnecessary things in our lives that may, at times, blur or hinder our ability to glimpse God’s hand at work. But this is also an excellent moment for us to seek out some new places where we can (re)engage our spiritual lives. As we move through this Lenten season, I hope you will take an opportunity to find those places where perhaps God is calling you to serve, learn, fellowship, connect, or worship.

    I also want to highlight the incredible success of our 2023 Witness Season. Back at the beginning of February, we shared with you about the dire need for clean and safe water at our sister congregation in Santa Clara, Cuba. Through a partnership with Living Waters International we hoped to raise $30,000 to fund the purchase and installation of a water purification system to benefit not only the church but also the Santa Clara community as a whole. Well, once again, all of you – the saints of First Presbyterian – have gone above and beyond. To date, the total amount raised is nearly $40,000!

    Thank you. The generosity and faith of our congregation truly never ceases to amaze me. Because of your giving we will not only be able to help provide safe and clean water to our brothers and sisters in Christ in Cuba, but we will be able to continue our support of this congregation and community. Your giving will impact countless lives for years to come – again, thank you.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - March 3, 2023

    Posted Mar 03, 2023

    As we turn the page into March, I want to draw your attention to a seldom talked about but incredibly important ministry of the church: The 1843 Fund. First Presbyterian’s endowed funds are comprised of over thirty different individual funds, which are collectively called The 1843 Fund. The endowment's purpose is to provide members and friends of this congregation the opportunity to practice faithful stewardship of accumulated resources and to ensure the funding of ministries of our congregation and the larger church in perpetuity. An important benefit of making contributions to endowment funds is that the gift will outlive the life of the donor, an effective way of expressing gratitude for God's many blessings.

    In order to raise awareness about the crucially important nature of The 1843 Fund, our Endowment Advancement Committee is hard at work planning a special dinner to share information about the church endowment on Tuesday, March 21 at 5:30PM. The committee is inviting all members of the church (and any interested friends are certainly welcome as well) to attend this complimentary dinner. This is not a “fund raising” dinner, and attendees should not feel pressured or obligated. Most of the information shared that evening will focus on simply encouraging all of us to consider participating in the endowment through elements of estate planning. By including the church in our estate plans, each of us can play an important role in helping to grow the kingdom of God in this place long after.

    You may register for the dinner by clicking here. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to Lynise Clarke, Church Financial Officer ([email protected]). I hope to see you on March 21!

    Blessings to you all. Join us at church this Sunday. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - February 24, 2023

    Posted Feb 24, 2023

    This Sunday is Witness Season Sunday! Throughout the month of February, you've heard us talk about our project to raise money for a water purification system for our partner congregation in Santa Clara, Cuba. I wanted to explain a little more about what your money would be going towards and how it would make this goal a reality.

    We will be working directly with Living Waters for the World (LWW), and you will hear more from one of their staff members this Sunday (both in a combined Sunday school at 10am in Fogartie Hall and during the worship services). The funds we raise will go toward sending at least three members of our church to Clean Water U training (through LWW), where they will be equipped to move forward with this project. The water team will them partner with Santa Clara for at least three years, where we come alongside the people in Cuba to plan and implement the water project locally. This would take place over the course of four years total.

    I am excited about this project because not only does it meet a dire need in Santa Clara, but it also builds upon and strengthens the long-standing relationships that we have had with this congregation for years. I hope you will consider giving to Witness Season this year and help us meet our goal of raising $30,000!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - February 17, 2023

    Posted Feb 17, 2023

    Next Wednesday, February 22 is Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, which is the 40-day season of prayer and preparation that will lead us once again to Holy Week and Easter. I invite you to come by the Chapel anytime between 8:00am and 1:00pm that day for a moment of prayer and imposition of ashes with one of the pastors. You are also invited to join your church family for Ash Wednesday Worship in the Sanctuary that evening at 6:30pm.

    We are also now officially in the midst of Witness Season, which is an annual effort of FPC to raise awareness and funds in support of a local or international mission partner. This year, we are seeking to support the purchase and installation of a water purification system for our partner congregation in Santa Clara, Cuba and the community they serve. We are working with Living Waters for the World to make this project a reality. I encourage you to watch the brief informative video below that was shared in last Sunday’s worship and to visit the Witness Season website to learn more about how you can support these important efforts.

    Lastly, I want to thank you all for praying for the Dominican Republic Mission Team last week. Your prayers were felt! It was truly an enriching and formative experience for all of those who participated. For me personally, it was an incredible opportunity to see firsthand the impact that First Presbyterian’s decades-long partnership and relationship with our Dominican brothers and sisters in Christ continues to have in San Juan. Our congregation’s commitment to sharing the love of Jesus Christ through giving of time, talent, and treasure over so many years has – and continues – to improve both the physical and spiritual health of countless people in that region. Be sure to mark your calendars to join us for a full report about the trip, which will be our Wednesdays @ First program on March 1.

    Blessings to you all. Join us at church this Sunday. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - February 10, 2023

    Posted Feb 10, 2023

    We give thanks for the great work our Dominican Republic Mission Team has been doing, and we pray for a safe and uneventful trip home for all of them tomorrow. We look forward to hearing their experiences and the status of the new hospital to which we contributed a few Witness Seasons ago. Be sure to check out the monitors around the campus for pictures from this year’s trip.

    Speaking of Witness Season, don’t forget that our 2023 Witness Season is in full swing as we raise money to install a water filtration system at our partner church in Cuba. Watch for more information during our worship services this Sunday, and mark your calendars for Witness Season Sunday, on February 26, when a representative from Living Waters for the World (a ministry of the Presbyterian Synod of the Living Waters) will be with us during the Sunday School hour to share more about this project.

    Don’t forget that this Sunday there is a blood drive at the church. So eat a good breakfast, drink your fluids, and roll up your sleeve to give the gift of life. Aside from the intrinsic benefits of giving blood, there are also some great incentives to sweeten the deal!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - February 3, 2023

    Posted Feb 03, 2023

    Last Sunday, we gathered in the Sanctuary during the Sunday school hour for our Annual Congregational Meeting. This is an important opportunity each year for the church to hear reports about the good ministry happening in our midst – past, present, and future – and to handle those matters requiring congregational approval. More importantly though, it provides us with a snapshot of the remarkable ways God is on the move here at FPC!

    Here are a few highlights from the 2023 annual meeting:

    • FPC is a growing congregation. Not only do we have new visitors and friends coming into through our doors every week, but we also received over 55 new members in the past year and celebrated over 20 baptisms. Additionally, our average Sunday worship attendance is as high as it has been in over five years.
    • Our ministries of care and compassion are robust. Under the leadership of our Diaconate there are meals being delivered, neighbors in need being served, and the sick and homebound being visited and prayed for every day.
    • Fellowship, mission, and learning are thriving. Wednesdays @ First are filling Fogartie every week. Sunday school and Bible studies are happening six days of the week. And, over the past year, new mission partnerships have been born and existing ones strengthened. This includes renewed energy for the Faith Initiative to End Child Poverty and a return to Cuba and the Dominican Republic.
    • The church is in as good financial shape as ever. For the second consecutive year, we ended 2022 with an operating budget surplus of nearly $175,000. Stewardship is also strong with 432 pledges (up from 389 in 2022) supporting an expanded operating budget for 2023 of $3,170,000. All of these numbers translate into our congregation’s ability to have an even greater impact in the lives of our members and community in the year to come.
    • Finally, we continue to be blessed with an incredibly gifted and loving staff team. We are especially excited to have welcomed a number of new staff members in 2022 including Rev. John Daniel DeBevoise (Associate Pastor for Youth and Campus Ministry) and Kara Clark (Director of Children’s Ministry).

    As part of the meeting, we also approved the slate of nominees to serve as the 2023 Congregational Nominating Committee as well as a 4% cost of living adjustment for the pastor’s terms of call. This 4% salary increase also applies to all FPC staff members as part of this year’s operating budget. You can find information about all of these items and more by clicking here to read the Annual Report.

    Finally, please remember to be in prayer for the team of twenty-five folks who will be serving alongside our mission partners in the Dominican Republic next week. The group will be providing vital medical care and construction support while on the ground. You can find the names of those participating on this year’s mission team below.
    Blessings to you all. Join us at church this Sunday. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - January 27, 2023

    Posted Jan 27, 2023

    This season brings a great deal of excitement in our church family. The beginning of 2023 highlights great mission and ministry locally and abroad. I know our team of members preparing to make the journey to the Dominican Republic is excited for the ways God will be at work among them in a couple of weeks. We have five youth going on the trip this year! Please pray for these youth and the other members. We will have a liturgy of dedication for their missional work this Sunday during the 11:00am Traditional Worship Service.

    Youth ministry at FPC is back and in full swing. Last weekend we had our confirmation retreat to Asbury Hills Camp in Cleveland, SC. This retreat was a time spent away growing together as a community and beginning the process of coming to understand and own one’s faith for themselves. We have twenty-eight ninth graders who are going through the confirmation process. Twenty-eight! I am grateful for the faithful efforts of Rev. Craig Foster, Rev. Leslie Lang, and Carrie Coleman. These individuals have and will continue to play a pivotal role in confirmation for our youth. Again, I ask that you continue to pray for all our 9th graders in confirmation. A special thank you is deserving to Josh Jones (elder), Rev. Eliza DeBevoise, and Jackie Bielevicz for serving as volunteer chaperones on our retreat. This year our confirmands have each selected a mentor who will journey alongside them in their questioning, discernment, and learning. Gratitude abounds for the call from God that has been placed on these mentors.

    February is going to be a wonderful time in the lives of our youth. In two weeks, a group of forty-ish youth and adults will be taking a ski trip to West Virginia. A week later on Sunday, February 19th, the youth will be leading our morning worship services for Youth Sunday. Please come and support these incredible middle and high schoolers as they have been putting in intentional time to make these services meaningful. Pray for our two preachers – Abby Edwards (8th Grade) and Sallie Barre (12th Grade). Every day I am reawakened to the truth that our youth have a great amount to teach us. One of the beautiful things about the church is that we exist as an intergenerational body of Christ. When we lean into the unique perspective of each person, the creative lens they view the world through, we get to witness a piece of who God is in the world. What a blessed and beloved community this is! I look forward to the continued kingdom work of God alongside each of you this season and beyond.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - January 20, 2023

    Posted Jan 20, 2023

    There is a lot happening in the life and faith of First Presbyterian. This congregation’s heart for worship, mission, fellowship, and learning continues to amaze and inspire me! Truly, each week brings with it new opportunities for growing closer to God and nurturing our call to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ for the world around us. As always, I encourage you to take a moment to peruse this week’s eNews. You will find below a whole host of opportunities to get engaged both inside and outside the walls of the church.

    Blessings to you all. See you Sunday. Invite a friend.

  • FPC Weekly eNews - January 13, 2023

    Posted Jan 13, 2023

    This Monday, our nation will remember and celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was a prophetic voice who committed his life to witnessing to that basic truth of the Christian faith: that in Jesus Christ, God’s love and mercy is extended to all of God’s children. I pray that this weekend will be for each of us a reminder of our own call to recognize the image of God in all our neighbors regardless of race, age, gender, creed, or any other dividing line we might draw. I am especially excited for our worship and learning opportunities that will build on those themes this Sunday including a joint Sunday school class at 10am in Fogartie Hall led by former state representative and community leader, Brenda Lee Pryce – information below.

    Changing gears slightly… it was a great joy to get back in the swing of Wednesdays at First (WAF) this past Wednesday. The FLC was overflowing with good food, fellowship, and fun this week. Truly, all you have to do is look around the room on a Wednesday night to know that God’s presence is alive and on the move at First Presbyterian! Throughout the month of January, the after-dinner WAF programming is focusing on mental health among children and teens. Sponsored by the Health Committee, this three-part series covers a variety of topics and is being led by medical experts from our congregation and community. You can learn more and see recordings of each presentation by clicking here.

    Finally, I am thrilled to share some exciting news regarding our congregation’s financial health, which is that we ended 2022 with a $175,000 giving surplus. Not only does this surplus give us added confidence in our ability to plan and do ministry for the year ahead, but it also serves as a reflection of the incredible generosity of this congregation. Our gifts of time, talent, and treasure translate into tangible ministry that impacts the lives of countless people both within and outside the walls of the church. Because of your generosity – both past and present – FPC can continue growing in its call to share the love and grace of Jesus Christ with neighbors near and far. Thank you!

  • FPC Weekly eNews - January 6, 2023

    Posted Jan 06, 2023

    Happy new year, FPC! Tell me, did you make a resolution for 2023? Maybe to exercise more, snack less, reconnect with old friends? Personally, I have never been much of a “resolution guy” – nothing against them, it’s just never been my thing. Instead, what I enjoy doing at the start of each new year is writing down three to four goals I have for the twelve months ahead. These goals are not so much things I am resolving to do as they are big picture dreams I am aiming myself towards. Anyways, earlier this week I wrote down a few of my personal goals for our ministry together this year at FPC and thought you might like to know them as well. So here it goes…